High water level - winterized in ground pool


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2017
Hackettstown, NJ
I live in NJ, the water level in the IG pool is about 1.5 inches from the liner track. The water is quasi-frozen (not a solid brick of ice. There is liquid water around the ice but there is defintely some ice).

I have two concerns:
1. If the water reaches the liner track, wont a bit overflow behind the liner and maybe between the liner and wall, or behind the wall, etc ? Do I have anything to worry about if it overflowed above the liner track? Im going to get a pump to catch it before then, but if I dont, what happens?

2. Shall I leave the water and ice alone rather than try to break it up?
Hard to say what will happen if your pool overflows and you don't want to find out.

In general the advice is not to touch the water in a liner pool when there is ice in it. The sides of the ice can be sharp and tear the lining if it rubs against the liner as the water level drops.

If you feel brave you can drop a submersible utility pump into the water and pump the water down by an inch or two to give you more of a buffer from overflowing. We will have warm days and below freezing nights and the ice may melt a bit more in the next few days.

Two weeks ago I posted this thread and pumped down my water level while we had a warm spell...

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I need a pump... To amazon I go. I dont want to borrow my neighbors anymore.

I bought mine in my local True Value hardware store.

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