Help me determine what this is - White mold? Algae? Calcium? Something else?


Apr 15, 2024
Los Angeles, CA
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
I've recently taken over management of my new pool and after a drain and refill, am focusing on getting the water chemistry in shape (you'll note in my results below the CYA and salt levels are low for this pool, which has a SWG. Note that the SWG is not turned on yet - I've been adding liquid chlorine while I raise slowly those levels.)

Last week, I noticed a white substance which in the corner of our spa. as soon as I disturb the water, much of it very easily breaks up.

From another thread, I thought maybe maybe this was calcium, but adding a drop of vinegar didn't cause any fizzing (see video).

Anyone have any idea what this is? This is in the corner which does not get a ton of circulation. The pool is covered by a tight-fighting opaque automatic pool cover 23+ hours a day - I thought maybe we were just creating a very stagnant corner of the pool but, but I haven't seen really anything that looks like this before.

I've attached a few photos, as well as linked video of me scraping this stuff, as well as the vinegar test.


Vingar test:

Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated!


Build Type: Plaster
Volume: 5900 gallons
Latest Test Result Summary:
FC: 5.2 (36 minutes ago)
CC: 0.0 (36 minutes ago)
pH: 7.8 (36 minutes ago)
TA: 110 (36 minutes ago)
CH: 230 (36 minutes ago)
CYA: 30 (36 minutes ago)
SALT: 1800 (2 days ago)


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I can say it's definitely not sunscreen - spa hasn't been used in the daylight and the cover is usually closed. (Plus, it returned in the exact same location a day or two after removing it initially)

The cover doesn't have any evidence I can see when the cover is closed.