First TF100 test Results - Need help please

Leaving the magnetic stirrer running is fine, that is what you are expected to do.

I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "I stoppedmeasuring when the FC reading was above that". You need to complete the FC test, and have the sample turn clear, or the CC measurement is not valid.

When doing any of the tests, it is important that you hold the dropper bottle vertically and squeeze gently so a drop forms on the tip and then falls off from gravity, not from spraying out.
JasonLion said:
Leaving the magnetic stirrer running is fine, that is what you are expected to do.

I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "I stoppedmeasuring when the FC reading was above that". You need to complete the FC test, and have the sample turn clear, or the CC measurement is not valid.

When doing any of the tests, it is important that you hold the dropper bottle vertically and squeeze gently so a drop forms on the tip and then falls off from gravity, not from spraying out.

Sorry, what I meant was I kept adding the drops until it got clear,but I stopped counting the drops when I had more than 40, so I knew my FC was the same or higher than what I had the night before. So either the reading I took last night was from a spot that was not as concentrate, but I just don't think I had any FC loss based on the reading is what I meant.

Then once I got it clear I added my 5 drops from the yellow container, and the the other drops until it got clear, it took 3 drops which brought my CC back up to 1.5, disappointing since it was .5 last night and I thought I was on the road to clear water, which is still not the case.
I just tested again and my FC =15.5 but as a positive, the 5 drops of R003 barely turned my water pink and one drop cleared it, so my CC is back to being .5

Water is not clear, do I shock back up to 20 or do I wait until FC hits 12 to do that?
If CYA is still presumed to be around 30, I would let the FC level fall until evening as long as it stays above 12.

Sunlight helps clear CC, so that is probably why CC is lower during the day. Something is getting broken down slowly, which is constantly creating CC and meanwhile the chlorine plus sunlight is breaking down CC.
JasonLion said:
If CYA is still presumed to be around 30, I would let the FC level fall until evening as long as it stays above 12.

Sunlight helps clear CC, so that is probably why CC is lower during the day. Something is getting broken down slowly, which is constantly creating CC and meanwhile the chlorine plus sunlight is breaking down CC.

I re-did my calculations and based on the Stabilizer I added when the shocking began, it is actually a CYA of 24 assuming I started with a CYA of zero after the winter, but I was reading that the initial testing showing 0 is probably false if the pool ever had Stabilizer added in the past, so I guess it could be a little higher if that statement is correct.
Now my CC is less than .5 as it did not turn pink after the 5 drops and my FC=16 but I'm still not clear.

Should I be back washing my sand filter at all?

I think this is my 4th or 5th day shocking.
It's not unusual to take a week or so to clear a pool if you have a sand filter. I recommend backwashing when the pressure rises 6 to 10 psi over normal. You're just wasting water (& chems) if you backwash sooner than that.

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Bama Rambler said:
It's not unusual to take a week or so to clear a pool if you have a sand filter. I recommend backwashing when the pressure rises 6 to 10 psi over normal. You're just wasting water (& chems) if you backwash sooner than that.

My filter pressure really isn't changing, but I don't remember it being so high, it is at 33 and that was after backwashing.

Initially I set a target FC of 12 when I was shocking and then I raised it to 20 when it still wouldn't clear up, should I go even higher in case my CYA is off?
When was the CYA addition made? And have you tested for it since? I doubt it's higher so you don't want to go higher on FC than you already are.
Honestly its not clear to me that you have passed the Overnight FC Loss Test.

How long are you backwashing - can you describe your backwashing routine for me?
frustratedpoolmom said:
When was the CYA addition made? And have you tested for it since? I doubt it's higher so you don't want to go higher on FC than you already are.
Honestly its not clear to me that you have passed the Overnight FC Loss Test.

How long are you backwashing - can you describe your backwashing routine for me?

Sure, I got it from Pool School when I did it.

I ran Backwash until the water in the view glass was clear, then I rinsed for 15 seconds and I repeated the process until the backwash glass showed as clear when first starting the Backwash.
33 psi does seem high for a clean filter. Do you remember what it ran last year after backwashing? Seems to me that maybe something is bypassing the filter.

As FPM said, you should retest your CYA before raising your FC.

Do us a favor and put your equipment in your sig so we can see what we're working with.
Thanks, I have updated my signature to include my equipment.

I can't recall my Filter pressure being so high but I can't be sure, I could be thinking o my last house where I think it used to be around 10-20, the only thing different is my Heat Pump isn't turned on yet but I don't have the valves set to bypass the heater, and I usually don't have the valve for the stair returns on all the way, which currently they are, so that could be reducing some of the power the pool returns have as compared to usual.

I'm writing this from work and it is the only thing that comes to mind, filter backwashes clear after following the backwash/rinse cycle.

SWG is off.
Mas985 (I believe) has posted that a pool pump cannot produce much over about 35 psi.

Rockstead, you would have to have either almost a complete blockage for your psi to reach 33 or, far more likely, your gauge is faulty and needs replacing.
For a 300 pound sand filter, you should not have more than 60 gpm. You have probably channeled and over compacted the sand with excessive flow and debris. If you need to do major work on the filter, you might want to replace it with a larger DE or cartridge.

You would do much better with a smaller pump. You can replace the impeller with a smaller one and that will reduce your flow rate and your energy usage.

Which model pump do you have?

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