First test of the year...looking for guidance

Feb 15, 2013
Peoria, Illinois
Opened the pool a few days back. There was a hole in the liner, leaving only about 20" of water at opening. I have filled to the top. Below are my initial readings. I know adding all the new water is the reason the CYA is so low. 10ish is a guess as I had to fill the tube all the way to the top...and I could still see the black dot. I was going to tackle that first, but I wasn't sure if I should adjust the PH down to 7.2 first? Also, do I need to be concerned with the high TA value? I don't think I ever was able to drop it below 200 all of last summer.


FC: 0
TC: 0
PH: 7.5
TA: 240
CH: 350
CYA: 10ish
Chlorine and CYA. Add liquid chlorine every day and get at least 30 ppm CYA dissolving now.

Your pH is fine. It will rise. When it gets to 8, lower it to 7.4. That will gradually reduce your TA. Only thing the TA is doing is pushing your pH up. So if rising pH is an issue, there are methods to more rapidly reduce TA.
CYA level is now at 35/40. I added chlorine yesterday...last night it was 10.5 / 11....this morning it is 9 / 9.5. Water is crystal clear, but there is some debris on the bottom. My pool is under a bunch of massive pine trees. PH is still at 7.5.

Is there any need to do a SLAM, or can I just move forward with the regular daily maintenance?
Up to you on the SLAM. Be prepared to do one if your water turns cloudy or your FC loss per day exceeds 3 ppm.
I vacuumed the pool today for the first time. I noticed a yellowish - tinge around the outer edge on the bottom. I scrubbed with a brush and tried to vacuum...but's almost as if it's stained. I don't recall this last fall when I closed, but maybe it was there and I just was used to it. I included a picture. Unfortunately, I don't think it does it justice. Last summer was the first year on the TFP method. That would have anything to do with it would it? Any ideas?

Copper would come from things you may have added. Algaecide, many pool products have copper in them.
May just be age of the liner.

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Been real hot and sunny the past 4-5 days. I've been good to keep the FC around 5-7...then 3 days ago it was 3ish. Today when swimming, I can still see the bottom well, but I can tell something is off...even my 13 year old noticed the water was not as clear as it normally is. I brought the FC up to 12. Should I continue to SLAM to ensure this doesn't get out of control? I have a few family members coming over tomorrow. Is it safe to swim?

Chemical readings:
FC: 12
CC: .5
PH: 7.8
TA: 220
CH: 325
CYA: 35
Temp: 82
Keep at 16 ppm tonight (CYA of 40) and raise it back in the morning. By the time they swim, it will be under 16 ppm. Safe to swim as long as FC is above minimum and at or below SLAM level FC.
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