EasyTouch + IntelliBrite (I think?) + generic LED lights?


New member
Jun 11, 2023
Austin, TX
So I guess I should prefix this by saying either I'm an idiot, or the person who built my pool is.. I've been chipping away at the various issues since I bought the house, replacing pumps, putting in a bigger filter so it's not running at 60lbs of pressure, etc., but I'm totally stuck on my pool lighting. Best I've gathered so far is I've got a Pentair IntelliBrite (or something that looks very similar and behaves the same), it's sitting on a relay, on AUX3. There also appear to be LED strips in my water features that I've never gotten to turn on. The easytouch app had AUX4 and Feature 3 showing up under the lights feature, but neither did anything.

So I went on a hunt today, and re-programmed things. Flipped aux4 and feature 3 to generic, and flipped aux3 to intellibrite. Then re-configured under the lights menu to just use aux3. Now I've got the pentair light working, and even flipping colors -- mostly. Blue doesn't actually light up blue, but the rest (green, red, the animations) seem to work, though they click the relay to do the switch.

I also traced the LED strips as best I can, they're some sort of sealed units, the wires seem to terminate in regular old wall warts in a junction box behind the pool. No brand name or anything on them. I discovered a couple of those eBay-style LED remotes in the garage that were left by the old owner, that seem to turn lights on/off and change colors, so I took a shot, but they dont do anything, nor do I see how they could, they're IR line-of-sight, and theres no receiver I've found outside. So maybe that's a red herring..

So I have two questions for the experts :D
1. Is the relay going nuts whenever i switch colors/programs ok? Will it die on me? Is that how it should be wired?
2. Any suggestions how I diagnose these blasted LED strips? My plan is to chase which relay/AUX turns on the outlets the wall warts are plugged into first, that's easy. That said, I've already confirmed they do get power, though I have no idea on which switch. But even with power, the strips don't light up. They're inside my waterfalls, that are under the coping, and I see no way to reach them, trace the cable, see if theres a controller or anything there, etc. Short of having someone tear up the entire pool, is there anything I can do?
Welcome to TFP.

Yes, IntelliBrite LED lights change colors by cycling the power on and off. That is the relay going nuts and the way it is supposed to work.

Can’t help you on the LED strips. You have to figure that out.
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