Control your Jandy equipment from your PC with a $15 adapter

Re: Control your Jandy equipment from your PC with a $15 ada

Is there such a thing as a rs-485 to Ethernet adapter, so you could put the box on the local house LAN and not need a machine directly connected to it?
Re: Control your Jandy equipment from your PC with a $15 ada

I believe there is. I've heard of them, but never used them. I'm not sure how it would work because the emulators are designed to look for a com port, not an IP. It's possible you could do something with a virtual com port program but Im not sure. I did install a com port server on the machine that is wired to the pool. There is a corresponding client software that you can install on any computer and along with the emulator will give you access to the pool controls as if it were hard wired. For instance, I install the server and forward ports to it in my router. I then went to work and installed the com port client. Entered my home ip and port and it connected as if the serial port were connected to my work computer. Then I installed the emulator at work and had full control of the pool. This process is too cumbersome for me and can't be done from a cell phone so it's not very useful to me. For the same price of a RS-485 to ethernet adapter, I believe I can build my full standalone setup, webpage included. That way you can access it from any browser and wont have to install the emulator on every machine you want to control your pool from.
Re: Control your Jandy equipment from your PC with a $15 ada

THANKS for all of the info that you have supplied regarding the interface to the Jandy controller. Greatly appreciated. One of my hobbies is automation and currently have automated many items in my home. I have looked at controlling my Jandy RS6 pool system, but did not want to spend the money for the Jandy converter. I am pleased that you have shared the information you have gathered. I would appreciate if you would send me the protocol or any other info your have. THANKS!!!!! [email protected]
Re: Control your Jandy equipment from your PC with a $15 ada

Still working on this project. I have some code but to be honest, it is a bit over my head. I will attach it here if anyone wants to give it a go.
Jason, the best way, ATM, is to get an inexpensive RS-485 to USB adapter. Connect that to the RS-485 bus on the Aqualink. This should be the same thing that the wireless transceiver is connected to. Then you can get the Jandy programs right from there website and control your pool from your computer. On the downloads tab, the last one is a .zip file full of simulators. ... Touch.aspx
Let me know if that works for you.
Re: Control your Jandy equipment from your PC with a $15 ada

I'd like to give it a go if you wish to share your code. It's unfathomable that Jandy/Zodiac doesn't want to release a iPhone/Android app but then again they'd charge $1K for it! :hammer:
Re: Control your Jandy equipment from your PC with a $15 ada

I don't know if the thread is still active, but I discovered it while searching for something. I'm interested in helping the cause. I was considering the project simply because this is the next thing to automate in my house. I am a hardware and software engineer with a significant amount of experience with communication protocols and RS485. I designed the lighting control system in my house using GE RR7 relays and the panels tie together using RS485. I rewrote the software for another vendor's HW to emulate Rain8net protocol and I control 24 Sprinkler zones with it. I wrote the original code to interface my DSC panel to my controller. I wrote the Aprilaire interface for my thermostats. I just converted some of my systems to Homeseer because I like the iPad interface. Anyway, automating my home is my avocation. The Pool is about the only thing not tied in. I have a Jandy Aqualink system with RS485 tying the controller to a spa and a wall mounted controller. I already have numerous RS485/USB adapters around the house, so I am ready to dive in. My goal would to be to build a simple box that hooks in via the RS485 and has Ethernet on the other side. There are numerous hardware platforms that are probably appropriate, but I will start using an ALIX Board and the RS 485/USB adapter. The solution can move to something like a pogo plug very easily. Anyway, I will take a look at everything I can find posted and report back what I find. The ideal solution would be to find whatmhas already been done and build from that.
Re: Control your Jandy equipment from your PC with a $15 ada

BTW, the reason I am so anxious to move forward is that my power is so unreliable here in Atlanta that my battery dies regularly. I have gotten tired of setting the clock on the system. I was going to build that functionality first.

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Re: Control your Jandy equipment from your PC with a $15 ada

Not to hijack the thread, but sorta related question - Anyone aware of this type of custom interfacing/programming with Hayward Goldline Prologic setup? I really would like to do things not available within the system out of the box.
Re: Control your Jandy equipment from your PC with a $15 ada

thadius65 said:
Not to hijack the thread, but sorta related question - Anyone aware of this type of custom interfacing/programming with Hayward Goldline Prologic setup? I really would like to do things not available within the system out of the box.

i've heard that the jandy and hayward interface is the same, but i can't confirm it*. they list the hex code in the manual for the hayward adapter here...

what about using some of the serial controllers with built in ip, like this? ... 1423.l2649

i'm not posative if it requires the "free" software to program or not. companies like this and crestron often keep it under lock and key unless you are an installer...

the crestron box is even slicker, as they have goldline plugins and android plugins ready made, but i think their "free" s/w is even tougher to get...

*cited in post #1 here ... php?t=8308

edit### found more info here, looks like you guys have already been there..,
Re: Control your Jandy equipment from your PC with a $15 ada

Thanks Coryp! It's just so frustrating not being able to do some very simple things that could be handled by a few IF conditions within several lines of code. IF PoolTemp <85F AND AmbTemp > 70 THEN HeatPumpON .. or .. IF PoolTemp <85F AND AmbTemp < 70 THEN GasHeatON.
Re: Control your Jandy equipment from your PC with a $15 ada

I just found this thread on a Google search. Thanks to another search many years ago, I came across this little gem:, which does what many of the posters in this thread want: "speak" the raw RS-485 protocol that the board speaks. I took this program and made a lot of enhancements (including a crude command line controller and an even more crude CGI web based controller).

Having said that, it comes with huge caveats; here are but a few:

1. This version (and mine) use an old DB9 serial (RS-232) to RS-485 adapter instead of the fancier USB model
2. The "raw" protocol is fairly complex and has strict requirements on timing etc.; it's not anywhere near as "nice" as sending simple commands or getting information.
3. My server runs on a Linux machine as a daemon, and I've never attempted or even considered a Windows "port", and while the C language can be portable, it's not likely that this would be a clean port.

If anyone is interested in my modifications to the code above, I'd be happy to provide it. The reason I even went looking is because I just had my second board go bad as a result of storms/lightening and was trying to see what I could find vis a vis repairs to these expensive boards, rather than replacement.

Re: Control your Jandy equipment from your PC with a $15 ada

Just some notes for anyone who might be interested:
1. The aqualink.c code is an okay start, but the version I found did not close the loop on the protocol. In fact, it sent no ack packets at all. It might be okay for simple monitoring, but I already had that working so I never tested it.
2. A $15 USB/Serial adapter is fine if you just want to monitor, but you need to close the loop on the protocol with the master unit to command it. In fact, simple monitoring only works if there is another terminal that is closing the loop. If not, you will just see a series of command probes from the master. I tried a really cheap one with the Prolific chip set on both Mac OS X and Linux, and couldn't get it to send commands. Not sure if it was the device or the driver, but it wouldn't send commands. I tried a $60 dual ported USB adapter with LED tx/rx indicators with the FTDI chip set and it worked without issue. The dual port and the LEDs were great for closed loop testing and troubleshooting during initial coding.
3. My code works like a dream in Linux (Fedora Core 14) on a mini-itx VIA EPIA-M10000 Nehemiah with 1GB RAM I had lying around. The 1GB RAM was required for FC14. I had it running okay on Puppy Linux with 256MB, but I preferred Fedora Core. I didn't try Windows because I gave up Windows some years ago. I did try it on Mac OS X 10.6.x and 10.7.x. I could not get it to fully work. Monitoring worked flawlessly, but the protocol loop would not close consistently. Not sure if it was the driver or basic OS behavior, but I could not deque a single byte consistently which prevented me from responding to the master in the allotted time window. Note that the master will make three attempts to resend the packet if it doesn't receive an ack before it sends a command probe. I tried setting the process priority, but there was no effect. If someone else has this figured out, I would love to try it again on the Mac.

I ended up implementing a linux daemon with a self contained multi-threaded web server that serves the HTML/javascript client as well as the REST services for getting status and commanding the Aqualink master unit. One of my favorite features is the automated time synch. The Aqualink's internal clock drifts all over the place, and I hated resetting it through the terminal. Never more than 90 seconds off now (if you have to ask...). I have the javascript working in the iOS simulator, but the iPad doesn't command consistently. Should finish the whole thing in a few more weeks. If anyone is interested in seeing the code or an image of the javascript client let me know. I plan to post the whole package to source forge when it is at version 1.0.
Re: Control your Jandy equipment from your PC with a $15 ada

An image of my javascript controller for the Aqualink RS8 running in mobile Safari in the iOS simulator. Note that it uses Jquery Mobile. It doesn't show in the image, but the battery icon in the upper right corner flashes a red bar at the bottom when the battery is low and needs to be replaced.


  • AqualinkController.jpg
    111 KB · Views: 307
Re: Control your Jandy equipment from your PC with a $15 ada

Nice work, agent-P! I can see that you clearly went the "new school" approach, whereas mine is "old school" all the way. As mentioned upthread, I'm using a "classic" RS232 port and adapter, and my daemon process is written entirely in C. It writes simple HTML for the display, and for controls, I have a command line controller that I can run from a Linux terminal window, as well as a simple CGI script that I can use to turn things on and off from a browser. I have a cron job that runs the "settime" request in my command tool to reset the time at 2:00AM daily.

Concrete proof that there really is more than one way to solve a problem. I'm looking forward to seeing your code; I'd be happy to post mine, but I don't think it would warrant a SF project. :)

Re: Control your Jandy equipment from your PC with a $15 ada

Thanks for the compliment Brad. The whole server is written in C. Only the client is in javascript so it will run in any browser. Kind of rethinking it. Very chatty to have the client continuously polling the server every 5 seconds for potential status. Thinking about redoing the whole thing in Java so I can take advantage of Data Grid technology. Way more network friendly. Thinking about using HazelCast. It is open source from the Apache project.
I will finish the C/Javascript implementation first, and post to source forge. I will post here when it is done. Should be another week or two. USB device is spontaneously disconnecting after about 6 hours. Not sure why. Server will need to detect and attempt a reconnect. Right now it just gets stuck in a loop at 98% CPU. I like your approach with the classic serial adapter. I have one on the Linux box, but started the project on a Mac that only had USB. Maybe I'll switch. Might be more reliable.


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