cloudy pool

Hi Barb and welcome to the forum! :wave: Well, whenever we get cloudy water we become concerned about algae beginning to bloom. To kill and remove algae, we follow the SLAM Process process. That in itself might aggravate any copper issues when the chlorine level is increased, but you have to remove algae first then treat (or re-treat) for metals.

A question you might be asked is how did you get copper staining? Perhaps the heater exchange if the pH got too low for a while? As long as you know the source that's good. For now, compare your current CYA level and look at the [FC/CYA][/FC/CYA] to see what your SLAM/Shock level should be. Even if you don't increase to SLAM level right now, increase it at least halfway and consider doing an Overnight Chlorine Loss Test this evening. But be prepared to do a SLAM Process of you fail the Overnight Chlorine Loss Test or the cloudiness gets worse.
Only your second post since must be the quiet type :) Glad you posted and if a SLAM is indeed need you may want to seriously consider your own test kit! Don’t forget the speed stir...

Test Kits Compared
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