Bleach v corona virus - backup plan?

My HD had 2 pallets of the HDX stuff yesterday. I had gone for my salt and CYA.
I am still several weeks away from opening here in New England. But assuming the unavailability of bleach continues wondering what my other options might be.
I have a SWG but typically use bleach to SLAM on opening. As a side note, when I typically open my CH is very low and my CYA is usually 0.
Any recommendations from the forum on alternative dry chlorine / shock?
Availability of liquid chlorine has remained good from reports by members. See Help users find Liquid Chlorine

If you need CYA and chlorine, investigate using some dichlor. If you need calcium, use Cal Hypo. Monitor your pH as both of those are acidic.
Not sure if I read through all the posts, but I don’t think I saw anyone mention Ace Hardware. Here where I am in Florida, you can buy it with the little yellow 2 gal bottles. I think you can also bring in a 50 gal barrel and have them fill it. Really brings down the price per gallon.
As the title says, it has become increasingly difficult to get Chlorine in my area, and since I am limiting my outings to only essential things I am going back to using pucks in my pool, at least for the foreseeable future. I added stabilizer (CYA) to the pool and it is at 20. it was non-existing when I tested it a few weeks ago. I know the pucks will raise CYA so I will check it again monthly.

While I know that pucks are not recommended in TFP, is a choice that many of us will have to make. I am looking for recommendations on puck usage to keep chlorine levels at the right amount, and please let me know if there is anything else I need to do.


Dr. Thop
Liquid chlorine has been reported to be in relatively widespread availability. Household bleach has been an issue.

Maintain your FC based on the FC/CYA Levels. It becomes quite difficult as we get into late spring and summer using trichlor only. Replace water when your CYA gets to 60 ppm.

It was my understanding there was a chemical supplier somewhere in N Houston that sells liquid chlorine in bulk using your containers. Search the site for that.
As I mentioned in a couple other threads, I went to Atwood's last week and they had a pallet and a half sitting there. I got enough to get me through summer (as I normally do) and barely put a dent in their supply. And at $1.99, it's about the best price going around here.

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As I mentioned in a couple other threads, I went to Atwood's last week and they had a pallet and a half sitting there. I got enough to get me through summer (as I normally do) and barely put a dent in their supply. And at $1.99, it's about the best price going around here.
I assume you do not have a SWG, so how much LC did you purchase and what strength?
Hi all,
With the craziness happening in the world, bleach is a very hard item to find, the liquid chlorine I've used in the past was very disappointing maybe it had sat on the shelf too long and lost strength, I did how ever find some on Amazon by Hampton with good reviews, but I am hesitant. Are there any recommendations on a product that any of you have used? Thank you in advance!
With the craziness happening in the world, bleach is a very hard item to find,

Try the above thread. Members are reporting places that have liquid chlorine.
No we don't have an swg. I only purchased 3 gallons at 12.5% but I do have about 10 gallons of bleach at 6% chlorine, I have some room to use chlorine tablets, or powder because I know when we open the pool the cya is going to be near zero. And I won't need to slam, we are opening with very clear water this season.
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The closest I can get is the chloromax, regular plain bleach has been impossible to find for the last year or more, i did try a regular off brand last year, my cya was 30, ph, CH, TA were all where they were supposed to be and it didn't matter how much of the cheap bleach I added our pool stayed green, finally went back to the chlorox bleach chloromax and our pool was cleared up in a week, it made no sense to us! Just concluded that the cheap bleach may have been on shelf a while and lost it efficacy? Same happened with liquid chlorine we bought at lowes. I'm so hesitant to change, but if there are more ideas from people that have had good luck with other products, I would love to know about them?
Does Edmond have a Walmart or Home Depot? How about a feed store? Most all carry liquid chlorine. Walmart has Pool Essentials, 10%, in the garden section. Home Depot has HDX Chlorinating Liquid.
No special ingredients in hand sanitizer. You can mix it at home. You just need aloe vera gel, sweet almond oil. and at least 70% alcohol. Finding the alcohol will be the difficulty.
I put tea tree oil in mine. Aloe gel, rubbing alcohol, tea tree oil (maybe 7 drops) and shake. Then put it in an old hand soap pump and call it good.

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