Bad idea to strap heater wiring to pipe?


Bronze Supporter
Sep 29, 2008
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Right now, the wires (240v and remote) to the heater are run through conduit that is strapped to the concrete pad. Since this is an outdoor setup, it traps all kinds of dirt, leaves and creepy crawlies. When I hose down the pad, the water dams up against the conduit. I'd prefer it to be elevated. Is it a bad idea to use a flexible, armoured conduit and strap it to the piping?
Yes. It is a bad idea. One will eventually wear through the other. You can also get dissimilar metal corrosion. But
I don’t know exactly what pipe you have in mind.
they make standoffs that are a base plate with 2 holes and it has a threaded rod hole in the middle. you buy a short length of threaded rod and the appropriate clamp that fastens around that size pipe. its 2 pieces and has a threaded rod hole in it. you hacksaw a piece long enough to get high enough off the ground and do it in at least 2 places. you would be OK strapping the lines together if you used liquidtite flex conduit, but thats not the ideal way to do it. for something simpler get a scrap of trex style deck board and cut a small piece that will fit under a 2 hole pipe strap and use that as a spacer to elevate your existing conduit. use tapcons to screw it to the concrete and an appropriate drill and bit to pilot hole them
If you want to attach the electrical conduit to the plumbing, I'd use PVC conduit (not regular pipe) and use double standoffs.

Bolt a couple of these back to back and you should be good. They come in different sizes.


Search for plastic pipe hangers.
Here's one place that has them. Plastic Pipe Hangers
Here are a few on Amazon
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