Another Pool Build in Cypress, TX

Suz is happy, happy, joy, joy and the world of TFP is smiling! LOL LOVE it!

I can't wait to see how you use the "jewels"!


I'm tempted to wear the jewels around my neck!! They're about the closest I'll get to real jewels!

The plan right now is to use them to trim the edge of the sun shelf. When I do my yoga there, I can meditate on those beautiful little pieces! (Suz meditating = counting as fast as she can to finish the stretch. LOL!!!)
Take care. Suz.
Casa Newport skimmer lid amazon.jpg

I found these on Amazon for $32. I think they are so pretty, and I'm going to see what my paver guy thinks about using them. I saw something similar at a pool I visited. Compared to glass tile, they're cheap!!! Forever how I will now rationalize purchases!! :grin:

Has anyone used these skimmer lids? Do they hold up ok? Thanks. Suz.
All I can give you is the quote from Amazon.....

Injected Plastic w/Custom Paint and UV inhibitor
• First decorative skimmer lid on the market
• Decorative look with lasting durability

If they wrote it, it must be right, right????!!!! :confused:

I have no idea what injected plastic means. I'll check into it some more. Suz.
Suz, first let me say how amazing your tiles and coping are looking so far. Everything else is just going to be fancy jewelry and make it all the more beautiful.

I really like that skimmer lid but i have to agree with Kim, are they $32 pretty? If you are using stone decking and they will be surrounded by lovely stone, then perhaps that would be a very nice improvement over the typical skimmer lid. I would think that Injected Plastic just meant it was injected into a mold, but I could be wrong.
My take on Injected Plastic is the same as Littlegiles------it is made just like the "plain" covers but using a pretty pattern. Since they are the ONLY ones (for now) you will pay a big price for them.

How much does a plain cover cost? I am guessing it is a LOT less than $32. BUT with everything else that you have done to make your pool top notch it might be worth it.

I began this post soon after Littlegiles' post came in. The power went out (does frequently in our neighborhood), so I'm finishing it delayed.

Suz, first let me say how amazing your tiles and coping are looking so far. Everything else is just going to be fancy jewelry and make it all the more beautiful.

I really like that skimmer lid but i have to agree with Kim, are they $32 pretty? If you are using stone decking and they will be surrounded by lovely stone, then perhaps that would be a very nice improvement over the typical skimmer lid. I would think that Injected Plastic just meant it was injected into a mold, but I could be wrong.

Thank you so much for the compliments. I'm really shocked how much I love it so far!

The guys were on a great roll this morning working on the spa coping and finishing up the waterline tile. Now it's pouring! I've lived in Cypress since 1978, and I've never seen such a long stretch of rain like we've had this spring. Actually, we had a very rainy winter, but it has doubled this spring. EVERYONE is talking about it with every conversation. I love the rain, and I'm a patient person especially about this pool, but I feel so bad for those whose jobs are impacted by these rains.

As for the skimmer lids.... Ha! I ordered them soon after I posted the picture. With Amazon, I know I can return them. They're new, so there was only 1 review. (I take those with a grain of salt, but the reviews are better than nothing.) The reviewer said he hadn't had them long. They fit his skimmers, and they are thicker plastic than his plain ones.

Compared to the cost of the pool, they seem cheap now. But if I wait until later to buy them, I won't. By then I'll be nickel and dining everything, and be appalled at the extravagance. So the deed is done!

Here's to more power (electric)! Suz.
I have another picture!!!! :bounce: I can hardly stand it!!!! :bounce: I love the waterline tile! I know, it's all just beige so far, but what can I say - I'm a beige kinda gal! And some more news.... the Shell Beach glass tiles I just ordered Monday were shipped yesterday. This is better than Amazon!!! More tomorrow! Suz.

The beiges are a little on the gray side and a bit flat looking on my monitor. They are much prettier in person.

Loving the progress!

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I did, but I didn't really look into them. Should I have??? SEE!!!! This is why I don't like to buy on impulse!!!!! I'd much rather spend weeks to make a decision and drive myself crazy!!!!!

Since I'm using a SWG system, I thought I should go with the plastic. Somewhere in the far corners of my memory, something said to be careful with metals around a SWG pool.

Thanks..... NOW I have to go back to Amazon to check those out and see if I still have time to cancel the plastic ones! Take care! Suz.
More activity over here today! The tile guys began at 8am. The rain and thunder came, and our power went out. Then the storms left, and the power came back, so the guys worked until now, 7pm. I think they would have worked longer, but they ran out of coping and waterline tile! Ka-ching, ka-ching goes my pool money meter. I have no way of knowing if these guys are quite the master craftsmen I first thought. They could be, but I did see some more things that if they were family members, I would nag them, I mean, tell them to fix. But these guys work so hard and give such care to their work, that it's not worth being that nit-picky with them. After all, I'm not trying to create a masterpiece here. I'm certainly no masterpiece! Besides, when I look out our windows or walk around the pool, all I can do is smile! I guess my jitters have settled down, and all I see is this fabulous pool we're going to have! (this is my anti-rant).

My paver/landscaper guy was here for 3 hours this afternoon. This was really our first focused-on-the-job meeting. He's been stopping by to check on the pool progress, but today we got down to the nitty gritty. We went over the landscape designer's plans. He made some suggestions, and we discussed a lot of the how-to regarding the deck work and what we both were working toward for the end result. He's excited about the pool and wants to make sure his work compliments the pool. He's very down to earth and speaks my language (and slowly, like me)! I really appreciated his interest in making sure the pool 'pops' as he said. I wanted a lighter deck material, but he said it would all disappear into the coping. He left briefly and came back with a few paver choices that we had narrowed down. He was right - the colors of the pavers were so different from anything I saw online or in the catalog. You really have to see these things in person! I'm sooo excited about what we chose. If you're familiar with the Belgard pavers, we're going with the Dublin line (the 4 piece) in a mix of the colors Fossil Beige and Harvest Blend.

I'm so much more comfortable talking about and making decisions for hardscaping and landscaping. This is my thing, now. Everything came together so easily.

Kind of a boring post, especially without any pictures. But maybe someone who hasn't gotten to this stage will get a bit of insight into some of the thinking here. I hope! I'll take more photos tomorrow. Take care! Suz.
There's your amazing pool again, Martin! It makes my heart skip a beat. This is a masterpiece!!! I never tire from looking at it; I'm sure ya'll don't either!

Yes, I thought about using the same stone skimmer lids a while back. If I don't like the looks of the ones I ordered, I'll look into it. Stone is certainly nicer than plastic. But after meeting with the paver/landscaper guy, I need to start reigning in some of my spending. I'm not sure whom I could get to do the lids out of stone or how much it would cost. Since I'm using concrete pavers, I guess the lids would have to be made out of the travertine coping.

Thank you for the reminder. And especially thank you for posting your gorgeous picture. I am curious.... Is it a painting or maybe some sort of enhanced color photo? I've seen similar-looking pictures of pools by a local pool designer done by a photographer. I always have to look twice and ask myself if they are photographs or paintings. C'mon Martin, you just keep raising that old bar on us all!!!! Just kidding! I admire and enjoy art, including a pool like yours. Take care! Suz.

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