Another Pool Build in Cypress, TX

I don't know, but it is the recommended cure time in the instructions from the manufacturer in the Lightstreams manual. I'm wondering what our PB will say.... If we continue this weather pattern, I don't think a 3 week delay will be a problem. Suz.
I was considering glass tile for our spa. But waiting 3 weeks after application for it to cure makes me want to rethink that selection.

Oh I understand! If I had known that first, I would not have gone with it. Sighhhhh, I fell in love first!

I haven't heard others talk about a 3 week cure time, so maybe it is just for Lightstreams. Do some research before you give up on the glass tile. It's so beautiful!! Good luck. Suz.
Hi Suz! Just catching up with this thread after a late breakfast (it's school holidays here, so no need to get up early!) and wanted to say how beautiful your tile samples are! I have a vinyl pool so tiles were out of the question for us, but yours are soooo pretty!

Also, I really like your cat Toby. We have a stripy ginger cat called Hamish who was a rescue kitty from the local RSPCA. He is currently lazing on my bed :)
3 weeks is short compared to the amount of time you'll get enjoying that glass tile on your pool in the long run. So often we act like fortune 500 companies and want an immediate return without thinking of the long term consequences of our decisions. I think you'll be glad 5 or 10 years from now you were willing to wait for the 3 week cure time and it won't seem like that big of a deal when you look back at it.
3 weeks is short compared to the amount of time you'll get enjoying that glass tile on your pool in the long run. So often we act like fortune 500 companies and want an immediate return without thinking of the long term consequences of our decisions. I think you'll be glad 5 or 10 years from now you were willing to wait for the 3 week cure time and it won't seem like that big of a deal when you look back at it.

I agree, and thanks for the confirmation. Rushing is not my thing. I'm definitely a turtle. But when I hear others finishing so quickly, then I do get a tug of impatience. Still, I'm not sure pushing to go faster would have made a difference with all the rain. I know I didn't want the gunite cure rushed. Noooooo problem there!!!

I also understand why those who are in a hurry do push. Usually it's because they have some big event ahead and want to enjoy the pool for the event. That hit home with me the other day, when my son in Oregon said he might come home for a visit the middle of June. There's no way our pool will be ready then. Sighhhhh. But he will come again another time. Suz.
Suz - your pool is going to be BREATHTAKING! The glass tile will make your pool stand out beyond ANYTHING I have ever seen! Honestly - the rain is giving everyone a lesson in patience! Personally, I have a 4th of July Pool Party planned - if there hadn't been all the rain - I would be swimming now - BUT I am okay - if I have to postpone the party - no big deal! I am going to have a pool!!! YAY! Everything else is just icing on the cake.

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Hi Suz! Just catching up with this thread after a late breakfast (it's school holidays here, so no need to get up early!) and wanted to say how beautiful your tile samples are! I have a vinyl pool so tiles were out of the question for us, but yours are soooo pretty!

Also, I really like your cat Toby. We have a stripy ginger cat called Hamish who was a rescue kitty from the local RSPCA. He is currently lazing on my bed :)

Thanks for checking in!! Aren't school holidays wonderful?! Anytime I can sleep in is wonderful, although, now that I'm retired, I can really do that anytime. I just don't want to get too lazy!

Thank you for the compliments. Right..... tiles don't quite work on vinyl! But liners have gorgeous borders!

I'll tell Toby what you said! We so enjoy our kitties. We feel quite fortunate they allow us to live with them here! LOL!!

We've had ginger cats before, and think they're wonderful. Like you, we either adopt our cats from a shelter or the cats find us at our back door. The last one we adopted we found at the construction site at our local YMCA. Poor little thing - he didn't even weigh a pound. We believe he's a pure Siamese, Tonkinese, or similar. He's still only 8 pounds even though we've had him 6 years. (most of our cats are and always have been 16-20 pounders) Although we found him, he's been one of our most expensive adoptees. He had ring worm. I wanted to name him Gus for fungus, but I was out-voted!!! Some people in my family have no sense of humor!!!

I hope you've had a nice day! Take care and tell Hamish hello from us in Texas. Suz.

I have to stay off your thread it makes me change my build and makes my pool builder mad. those glass tiles are amazing it makes me think of the ocean for some reason. Looking back I wish I would have looked at this forum and watched everyone's build first. it would have helped me make choices about my pool beforehand rather than changing things as I go. I would have to say your pool is one of my top faves!
Casey: Thank you so much - you're very kind. I know exactly what you mean - I wish I had come here a year ago. I've learned a huge amount, and some of it too late. The ideas you get from everyone - amazing! I also would have approached finding a pool builder differently. And I would have had many more things ironed out and clear in my mind. But, better late than never, right?!

Fortunately, I feel like our pool gives us what we wanted and more, so no complaints. In my next life, it will be fun to build another pool!

Your pool is going to be gorgeous! The lines are lovely and your sun deck is to die for!!!! (one of my first "next times" - larger sun shelf!) Thanks again. Suz.
Suz, have you updated or had more work done? I have been watching this thread, love the beautiful tile

I'm so sorry I'm just getting back to you. Somehow, I missed your post and question. I'm not a fast typist, so I think posts come in before I finish replying to an earlier post. I've tried to check for that, but I missed yours.

The glass tile is pretty, isn't it! It was all shipped today, so I'm hoping it will be here by next Friday.

I've had one guy working yesterday and today on the coping. He's been solo, so it's going slowly. It's still not all finished, and neither is the split face stone for the deck side of the spa and a couple of other places.

I met for an hour and a half with the paver/landscaper today. We went over the contract making sure all the work details are correct and included. I like him and his work, so I'm glad I haven't had to hunt for a landscaper. Still, they all have their own agenda which bugs me a little. But it was over small things, so I won't quibble. I know he will take good care of us, because one of his biggest clients is our best friend and retired colonel from the army. The Colonel has my back if things don't go quite right.

That's my latest! My brain is fried - too much thinking for one afternoon! LOL! Thank you for checking in! Suz.
Own agenda? Like he is set on this and your really want that?

Remember YOU are the one that has to live with what HE does so...........make sure it is what you want!


For two days, I've been thinking about the meeting I had with the paver/landscaper. He did a great job with our neighbor's place up the street. I know his paver work is good, so that's why I selected him without getting bids from others. As far as I can tell, our area doesn't have a reputable all-around landscaper whom people praise. After searching for a PB, I didn't want to go through the hassle and stress of selecting a landscaper/paver.

Also, I'm finding using a different pool builder from a deck company is more complicated than I expected. The PB tells me the landscaper should do the drainage to the street. Then... well you know what came from the landscaper. So Monday, I'm going to call our PB and ask him to get me a quote from the guy he uses to do paving. I've spent yesterday and today searching online for some local landscapers to call tomorrow.

Here are the things bugging me about the meeting with the landscaper:

1. I made a BIG boo-boo a week or so ago when he stopped by. He was going on about how expensive it all was going to be, and I blurted out, "It won't be more than $__K, will it?" :oops: (really hard to admit on a forum how stupid I was, but maybe it will save someone else from the same mistake.) So coincidentally, his bid came just under what I blurted out. Now, never in my dreams did I expect it to be that much - it was a wild blurt - won't tell you how much - far too embarrassing. But it was more than the pool is costing!

2. When he handed the bid to me, he told me not to worry, that he had put in many optional items that could be removed to save money. So, when we were finished going over the 3 pages line by line, that's what I began to do. With each item, he told me one reason or another why he couldn't do that. And if he didn't have a reason, he explained that he had given me a discount on the pavers, so if I removed something, I would have to be charged back that discount. Seems outrageous to me, but is that how business is done?

Example of optional items I wanted to cut: a. Three custom built decorative cedar trellises for $3,000.00. b. He wants to redo the front yard sprinkler system that I just had done 3 years ago, and it's working fine. No discount for taking that out. c. $800 charge for landscape design - I already paid $500 for that to the designer/architect he sent me to. Well, you get the idea.

3. He wants to use Bull Rock to separate the flower beds from the foundation. We did that ourselves 26 years ago. It's in good condition since I had new granite rock added 3 years ago. He's charging for the new Bull Rock. The kah-kah landscaper I used 3 years ago used Bull Rock (I hate that stuff - I call it Bull #$@& Rock) on both sides of the house and a huge bed of it behind the garage. Now the new guy says he doesn't like Bull Rock either, so he wants to replace it in those 3 places with degenerated (?) granite. I'm not a big fan of DG, either - sticks to your shoes, etc - I would still want to put stepping stones on top of the DG.

So I asked the guy, if he had to move the Bull Rock anyway, why not use it along the foundations. He said it was too much work, because he would have to clean it, etc. And then he said, "Oh, I forgot to charge you for hauling off all your old Bull Rock, so that will be extra."

4. At the beginning of the meeting - sorry, I'm not remembering details in order - his first price on the bid sheet put the pavers and installation at $16.00 a sf. I had told him the week before (yes, I'm a very, very stupid person) that my PB could do the paver work for between $8-10 a sf. So as I started doing the math to see what this guy's per sf charge was, he told me that he had made a mistake. He did some fiddling on his calculator and gave me a new number. Yes, you're right - it was now exactly $10 a sf. But.... as we worked through the bid several things from my typed list of all I wanted included in his bid (I gave him the week before) had been left out. Yep, by the end of all that, I was back to where we started from. So you know what I'm thinking...... that he manipulated everything to get his usual price for pavers and installation.

That's all I can think of for now. And as I type this stuff out, I cannot believe how stupid I am. So, I'm starting over tomorrow.

I need a deck and do want a pavers. But I can live without plants until later.

I sure hope this helps someone else avoid the same mistakes I've made. Thanks for your support on this journey that I'm not sure I should have started. Yeah, yeah, yeah, as soon as I'm floating in the pool and sipping on a strong Texas tea, it will all be fine. It just doesn't feel that way now. I do know it could all be worse in many different ways, so I'm grateful for that. Thanks. Suz.

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