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  1. A

    FC Dropping Too Much

    Ok, as I had thought/hoped, FC held very well over night and I even got to it later this morning than I would have liked. So I'm thinking it's got to be sunlight. Now the question is how much is a "little bit" of a raise in CYA? 60? 70? We'll be vacationing soon and I'll be having to use...
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    FC Dropping Too Much

    Hey Everyone! Only a month or so after my first attempts to reclaim my swamp, we're swimming in sparkling water! A big thanks to pool school and all who helped along the way. Will become a TFP supporter hopefully after next month's paycheck! In the meantime, I seem to be losing a little more...
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    CYA adjustment before getting rid of algae

    Okay, sounds like I've got a plan. It has randomly dipped down into the low 40s in northern Texas today, but as soon as I can stand to go back outside, I'll begin to take this thing on. Thanks for all the advice! Pictures forthcoming!
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    CYA adjustment before getting rid of algae

    Ok, that makes a lot of sense. But I'm going to need to add about 3 lbs. of CYA according to the pool calculator. I'm not sure I've got a sock that big. Can I just put a portion of that in, keep an eye on it and once it's mostly dissolved, refill the sock?
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    CYA adjustment before getting rid of algae

    Ok, about ready to turn my green swamp into a sparkling oasis, but I've got a question after reading through pool school, etc. Currently, my CYA is at 10, so I know I need to add stabilizer in a skimmer sock before I get this all going. But I've got some conflicting signals here. I've read a...
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    Direction of Returns--Circulation

    Thanks. Believe it or not, I just put it all together using the shapes utility of Microsoft Word. As for the circulation, I'm going to try what Jason's suggested here. It makes a lot of sense to go counterclockwise, I just wasn't sure if I'd run into problems trying to defy the Coriolis...
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    Direction of Returns--Circulation

    Thanks! Yes, it does have a weir . . . and it seems to be functioning properly because I once aimed return "A" straight at the skimmer and it trapped a good bit of debris. But that of course left a terribly stagnant dead spot in the southwestern corner there, so I figure that can't be ideal...
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    Direction of Returns--Circulation

    Just bought a foreclosure last year and inherited the neglected swamp-of-a-pool out in the backyard. I was extremely nervous about trying to get it back in useable condition (I'm as new as a newbie can be!) until I came across this site. I now have hope of the "sparkling blue oasis" sometime...
  9. Pool Diagram.gif

    Pool Diagram.gif