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    • Re.Thai.erment
      Re.Thai.erment replied to the thread On course?.
      Count me as a proponent of adding Borates! I used Boric Acid 2-3 pounds dissolved dissolved in 3-4 gallons of pool water at a time. It...
    • Re.Thai.erment
      Re.Thai.erment replied to the thread On course?.
      Interesting comment. It’s common here to have a good rinse in a poolside shower before getting in, not with soap or shampoo though.
    • Re.Thai.erment
      Re.Thai.erment replied to the thread On course?.
      Thanks for the input. My PH has been hitting 8+ hard every other day, even with my infinity edge basically turned off most of the time...
    • Re.Thai.erment
      Re.Thai.erment replied to the thread On course?.
      Thanks for chiming in. Being on the other side of the world can nake it seem I don’t respond promptly. Apologies. I did not see...
    • Re.Thai.erment
      Re.Thai.erment replied to the thread On course?.
      Thanks. “Ready to add Boric Acid today, but should I bring TA up before or after? Should I lower PH more before the boric acid?” Today...
    • Re.Thai.erment
      Re.Thai.erment replied to the thread On course?.
      PH bounce. The only time PH would be under 8.0 would be the day I added 34% Hydrochlori acid. If Borates add a “silky feel” and...
    • Re.Thai.erment
      Long time reader, love the TFP methodology, forum and helpful regulars! My new tiled infinity edge pool is awesome so far. SWG keeps...
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