Recent content by poolflyer

  1. P

    CYA/Chlorine Loss

    Thank you all for the information! I now understand why I need to be aiming my FC for higher to have that big buffer— this week proved that! Albeit we did have a ton of rain- several inches. All the times I did the testing when the chlorine was lost after adding the liquid stabilizer, the FC...
  2. P

    CYA/Chlorine Loss

    I wrote the long version of this post and decided it was too long :ROFLMAO: So I'll make it short and sweet: my CYA was ~50 and trying to get it to 80. Specs: 12,500 gallon pool, I am recirculating about 24,000 gallons a day on a VSP with RJ30+ SWG. Using Taylor K2006 test kit. How long does...
  3. P

    Strange case of vanishing FC and CYA? possible bad salt?

    Just converted my pool this week as well. Bought my Morton’s at Home Depot. Before I started up the SWG today, FC was @6 on Wednesday, on Sunday it was at 0.3. I also was adding liquid CYA, calcium chloride, and balancing PH/TA levels since last Tuesday. So you’re not the only one, although...
  4. P

    TA and CH Out of Wack

    Thanks for the responses! I’ve updated my bio to reflect my setup :) Pool math has been great- got the paid version & I just played with the numbers! Super helpful. I’ll start adding calcium per your recommendations in small amounts and repeating the PH and aerate cycle to get the TA in check!
  5. P

    TA and CH Out of Wack

    Well, the week has come... to convert my pool to salt and take it over myself. Have some questions on what to do first with CH and TA(&PH). Been researching it all- K-2006C, chemicals & relationships, SWG's, etc. Have bought all the chemicals and ready to do this! And feeling very confident and...
  6. P

    Anthony Light

    Thank you all for the suggestions! Long story short, I ended up trying another route. I ordered a new gasket and bulb- ordered several LED replacement options- the Amerilight and Astrolight bulb fit perfect. So now have a functioning light again, and better than ever with LED :) Hope someone...
  7. P

    Anthony Light

    Hello TFP, Long time lurker, first time poster. My pool has an Anthony light in it. Built in 1993. The light cycles on and off- every few minutes or so. I pulled the assembly out of the niche just to see the condition. No sign of water in the housing. Transformer tested fine for voltage (12v...
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