- Aug 1, 2023
- 12
- Pool Size
- 12500
- Surface
- Plaster
- Chlorine
- Salt Water Generator
- SWG Type
- CircuPool RJ-30 Plus
I wrote the long version of this post and decided it was too long
So I'll make it short and sweet: my CYA was ~50 and trying to get it to 80.
Specs: 12,500 gallon pool, I am recirculating about 24,000 gallons a day on a VSP with RJ30+ SWG. Using Taylor K2006 test kit.
So I'll make it short and sweet: my CYA was ~50 and trying to get it to 80.
Specs: 12,500 gallon pool, I am recirculating about 24,000 gallons a day on a VSP with RJ30+ SWG. Using Taylor K2006 test kit.
- How long does liquid CYA take to show up in a CYA test?
- Does CYA ever zap chlorine out? Twice I've had this happen adding liquid CYA this week. Took my chlorine from ~6 to 2, then another time from 6 to 0.2. (added 1/3 a gallon the first time, then the rest a few days later). Is this normal?
- Follow up to question above. Twice this week I've added CYA and not only did it zap my chlorine, but also showed a small amount of combined chlorine (about .2). Is this normal? Just seems to be within 24 hours after I add liquid CYA to the pool. I've never seen anything but 0 so far in this pool. A day later, it disappears, once I get my FC back to ~6. Is this normal?
- Completely unrelated- before trying to get the CYA up, it's been incredibly problem free. All my levels are nearly perfect. I've had the SWG running on 25% for 4 hours, generating about 0.7 PPM FC per day for my pool. This seems to be the perfect amount, keeping FC about 6. It seems to lose just a little less than that per day, losing about .4-.5 PPM per day. Pool is at ~69F. Some days have been sunny and warm @75F, some days have been Florida cold ~60F (and rainy). We have had a ton of pollen the last few weeks. Is this a normal amount of FC consumption?