Recent content by discgolfdc

  1. discgolfdc

    AGP Cover Cable Busted - New Soup Ingredients 😞

    Hit it a little harder than "SLAM ideal." Added 2 gallons of 12.5% Sanitizer at around 1:45pm. 4:30pm Cl drop test results showed 16.5ppm FC and possibly 0.5ppm CC (I may have been hallucinating a tinge of red after the 5 drops of R-003). In any event, if the overall effect of adding 2...
  2. discgolfdc

    AGP Cover Cable Busted - New Soup Ingredients 😞

    Here are the most recent test results: ------------------------------------------ Test Results 05-07-2024 @ 01:00 PM ------------------------------------------ Free Chlorine: 0.0 Combined Chlorine: 0.0 pH: 7.2 Total Alkalinity: 60 Calcium Hardness: 100 CYA: 30 Temperature: 72°F...
  3. discgolfdc

    AGP Cover Cable Busted - New Soup Ingredients 😞

    I thought I remembered the two slates of advice given to me earlier in the thread. I am clearly getting older and would best be served by not relying on what I thought to be a steel trap of a memory. 😞 I kinda got a conflated picture of the two responses. After 24 hours of having the pump run...
  4. discgolfdc

    AGP Cover Cable Busted - New Soup Ingredients 😞

    To speed that process up, what would your thoughts be on getting a long 1.5" hose (like a vacuum hose) attached to my pump's intake, dropping that into the center of the pool (possibly weighting it down if necessary), and routing the output to the discharge port, again, through some kind of...
  5. discgolfdc

    AGP Cover Cable Busted - New Soup Ingredients 😞

    Hi, all. Thanks to TFP, opening up my AGP, adjusting and maintaining its chemistry, and closing up shop have been a BREEZE. I'm ridiculously grateful for having found this place. I was looking forward to opening my pool up later this month, but noticed yesterday that my cover cable busted...
  6. discgolfdc

    Pool vacuum "hanging out on one side" of my AGP.

    I have a 24' round AGP and I'm using a Kontiki 'chug-along" type (I don't know what else you'd call it) vacuum. For some reason, it tends to hang out on one side of my pool when operating. Never mind Sprinkles the Unicorn...she's a ham. The red line basically is the dividing line past which...
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  8. discgolfdc

    Is it normal to get air in your skimmer/pump/filter circuit?

    Hey, Paul. Do you happen to have any photos of your pool's plumbing? I'd be curious to see how you did it with PVC and made it disconnectable. If not, don't go out of your way to get them. Thanks!
  9. discgolfdc

    Is it normal to get air in your skimmer/pump/filter circuit?

    I've applied some Molykote 111 lubricant/sealant on the pump lid O-ring, the channel it sits in, and the lip that the O-ring mates to when the pump lid is secured, so I'll keep an eye on it and see if this helps with the issue or, at least, the amount of "burp" that has to happen. If not, I...
  10. discgolfdc

    Is it normal to get air in your skimmer/pump/filter circuit?

    Yeah, the water level in the pool isn't in any danger of letting air down the skimmer. It's probably 1/2 to 3/4 of the way above the base skimmer line, so unless we have an earthquake here in Ohio :laughblue:, that's definitely not the issue, but I definitely appreciate your contributing.
  11. discgolfdc

    Is it normal to get air in your skimmer/pump/filter circuit?

    I was thinking about putting some Molykote lubricant on the pump lid seal, and what you said makes a lot of sense. Thanks.
  12. discgolfdc

    Is it normal to get air in your skimmer/pump/filter circuit?

    Hi. I've had a 24' above-ground pool now for a few years, and I'll never forget the day that I found TFP and the vast knowledge here, as that was when my completely-not-knowing-the-first-thing-about-pool-care rear got straightened out and haven't had problems since. So, hats off to this...
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