help! my pool cover came off a little...


Bronze Supporter
Feb 15, 2017
Ferndale, MI
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Pentair Intellichlor IC-40
I'm in detroit, MI. we are having crazy weather, 70 yesterday 20 today and crazy thunderstorms last night, and it's been very windy today. I looked in the backyard around 3:30 and my waterbags had blown off a corner and it was uncovered. the water is black! I always open to beautiful blue water. I'm assuming it's the gross cover water that's now in my pool. I recovered it and weighted it with rocks. but should I do something else? Dump chlorine in? we won't open until mid May. IMG_3971.jpegIMG_3971.jpeg
Leave it alone.

Dumping chlorine in without your pump running can bleach or wrinkle your liner.

Deal with cleaning up the water when you open the pool. Not before.

Open right after at the last nighttime freeze. Keep an eye on the 2 week forecast when it's about time and open early.

Cool water SLAMs are way easier. No matter how bad it is, it'd be exponentially worse in July.
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Do nothing? Im kind of panicked. We normally open mid May. I was thinking May 6 but should I open earlier? I have the pool store open so I have to schedule it. Our planting date is like May 15 so I think that’s when they say we are safe from freeze. But if my pump is running it won’t freeze right? How bad could this be? Will algae grow? I’ve never in 7 years of owning this had to SLAM.
Do nothing? Im kind of panicked
Ok so do something. Have a beverage and chill out. 😁

You risk causing damage to the finish by blindly dumping chlorine in. You're not prepared to SLAM so don't waste the bleach.

But if my pump is running it won’t freeze right?
Correct. If you get a whoopsie week after opening early, it won't be arctic cold and running the pump will keep the equipment pad from freezing.
Will algae grow?
Algae is in there now, but with cool water it's mostly dormant, and why that early SLAM will go easier.
I’ve never in 7 years of owning this had to SLAM.
I think this was going to be your year either way. A couple of inches of cover water wouldn't turn the whole pool black IMO. You should have still had FC left if all those 70 degree days didn't wipe it out. I got bit the same way a couple years ago. It was funny when we were running around in shorts in January and not so funny when I popped the pool cover in April.

Keep an eye on the extended forecast, no two winters are the same. As a backup plan you can run the pump if ***cough cough when cough cough*** the weather people are wrong.

You want to SLAM before the water hits 60 degrees. Less is even better.

Can we walk you through opening too ? It's real easy as gravity floods the plumbing for you. We teach a couple of folks each spring.
Keep an eye on the extended forecast, no two winters are the same. As a backup plan you can run the pump if ***cough cough when cough cough*** the weather people are wrong.

You want to SLAM before the water hits 60 degrees. Less is even better.

Can we walk you through opening too ? It's real easy as gravity floods the plumbing for you. We teach a couple of folks each spring.
I really would just rather the pool store do it. I tell them not to put anything in. My pool will never hit 60 before the end of May probably. It’s cold here. Normally.
I really would just rather the pool store do it
Fair enough. The place that installed my cover got $700s to close. I missed the actual price because I spit my coffee at 'seven hun'. I imagine they get the same to open.

If you ever change your mind, we got you. :)

Get a SLAM thread going when it's time and we ride together.

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Also how long is a slam? If I open may 6 am I safe to leave on May 15 for a few days or do I need to open sooner based on that.
Look up. We posted at the same time.

Also how long is a slam? If I open may 6 am I safe to leave on May 15 for a few days
Some take 2 weeks, 9 days would finish alot of SLAMs, hopefully cold water helps. Maybe the weather is warm a little earlier and it gives you a few more days.
When would you normally gave the PS open your pool?
I would open when you get back on the 18th. A SLAM can take more then 2 weeks.
Clarification: I have an AGP

After the last freeze, when the weather starts getting warm & sunny, I reconnect my filter and pump.
The cover stays on the whole time during this.
I fill up to the middle of the skimmer, start up the pump & filter. Checking and adjusting chemicals every day or so. If there is a lot of debris on the bottom, I throw in my suction side cleaner as well.
After the oak trees are done blooming and the maple tree seedpods are done dropping, I pull back the cover.
Christal clear!!!

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