Go ahead and laugh at me but hear me out...


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Jun 14, 2021
First off I don't own a pool but after my recent dabbling in pool maintenance maybe it'd be nice to have a full sized pool in the future.

Okay so last year my kids started becoming old enough to play in a larger kiddie pool. I hated that thing because I had to fill it early so it could warm up a bit or I'd have to supplement with warm water only to have them use it for a day, get nasty and dump it, clean it out and repeat the next day. I poked around on reddit and thought I'd be smarter this year and picked up a cheapie intex pool filter, pool test strips, and some bleach because most of what I read about kiddie pools was to drop some bleach in there and you can hold the water for a day or two. I started there and did more reading (found TFP) and decided to try small scale pool care. Initially two problems, not enough bleach being added because I was getting algae growth and it seemed like I wasn't able to hold the chlorine levels in the kiddie pool (its exposed to full sun almost all day). More reading lead me to learn chlorine breaks down from the sun so I started adding bleach throughout the day (WFH allows me to keep an eye on it). So where I'm at right now is I have held clean(??) and clear water for about 2wks with just regular addition of bleach and ph down. Up until today TA was pretty low (we'll talk about this below). TC and FC I could hold okay based on my test strips (I know its not the right tool now). And pH was something I continued to battle with pH down (I think its because of the amount of bleach I used). I skim for floaties throughout the day and add a little bleach while I'm out there. Lastly the water has no smells. - It feels like I'm on the right path.....

Okay on the subject of TA - I thought I was "smart" so I added some baking soda to my pool today to try and bring the TA up a bit because its supposed to to help stabilize the pH. I believe my pH continues to rise because of the chlorine breaking down from the sun but I thought maybe TA will help with that too. Well I was smart and just haphazardly dumped a bunch of baking soda into the pool. That spiked my TA. So today I read about how-to lower TA by adding acid into the pool then aerating to bring pH back up and continue to repeat until TA is back to desired levels. I think I ran 2 cycles and TA is still high so I might give up here and just empty the pool and start over since I've had a good 2wk run at it.

My questions:
First, is this realistic to hold and maintain ~100g of water? The test strips, although basic seem to show okay results. I don't want to jeopardize my kids health and safety but boy keeping a pool clean is way easier than emptying it every night and filling it every morning only to hope its warm enough for them by the time they want to play in it. I'd be open to changing out the water every other week or every week if that is a safer scenario but daily changes are painful.

Second, If I'm on the right track I plan to invest in the Taylor K2006 test kit to get a better idea of what my water is doing.

Third, check my logic here. If I'm going to keep going I think I need some CYA to hold my chlorine so I don't have to add so much of it. Stabilizing chlorine should keep my pH from continuing to rise everyday and should reduce my need for bleach and pH down?

thanks in advance for any help and I hope you had a good laugh at this dad trying to be "smart"
Hi, welcome to TFP! Do you currently have the pump and filter hooked up? It would help a lot if you do. You could run the pump when the children aren't in the pool and it will keep your water cleaner and mix the chemicals. What are the dimensions of your pool?
Hi, welcome to TFP! Do you currently have the pump and filter hooked up? It would help a lot if you do. You could run the pump when the children aren't in the pool and it will keep your water cleaner and mix the chemicals. What are the dimensions of your pool?
yes I run the intex intermittently throughout the day to mix in the bleach and pH down and also pick up the dirt (no pool cover). After they play in the pool I run it for a few hours until I go to bed and it has been doing a good job.

I can't remember the dimensions but when I did the math, the volume equated to a little over 100g depending on the level I keep it at.

For sure you’re on the right path. A HUGE perk of smaller pools are the fact that you can do very little maintenance to them knowing full well if things go south you can simply drain/refill. Main thing I’d suggest though is to drop the strips and invest the $10 or so into a drop based kit that’ll test the pH and chlorine levels. I’d say the K2006 maybe an overkill here, but if you don’t mind the extra few bucks that would be ideal.

Personally I wouldn’t concern myself much with the pH or TA levels but really focus on the chlorine.
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You could use liquid chlorine just before the kids go in to swim and again after they are done for the day. For a pool as small as yours 1 tablespoon of 6% plain bleach would give you an FC of 2.4 and you would want to stay in the 1-3 range for FC. I would also get a rechargeable spa vacuum to clean up any dirt that settles on the pool floor. You can use the link to old school pool math at the very bottom of this page to calculate chemicals.
I am not laughing at you at all. I congratulate you on educating yourself on this stuff! I think adding a bit of CYA (shouldn't take much) would really help you out here. Chlorine in water exposed to full sun takes minutes to burn off. The CYA will make it hold longer.
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The volume of the pool is so small that using anything more than a tablespoon of CYA is going to over stabilize the pool. Its not worth buying a 4lb container when such a small amount is all you need. This pool is easily drained and refilled.
thanks in advance for any help and I hope you had a good laugh at this dad trying to be "smart"
Heck NO Bean !! You should be (and are hereforin) commended for wanting to do it right. Make no mistake, my 20X40 pool at the old house started as a plastic baby pool, upgraded into an inflatable 6X10 pool and then went huge. Many of us have been in your exact shoes. Little kids are resilient and will splash away and scream with laughter in any pool. They’re all wet. :)

I’d get the drop kit with the block that Home Depot usually has. It’s not the most precise but it should get you by ok. And it’s easy to reset from scratch every few weeks.

something like this. I believe there are some cheap 5 way kits also. Poolmaster 3-Way Swimming Pool and Spa Water Test Kit with Case-22240 - The Home Depot
No laughing here, I started with intex pools and never thought I would have a "real" pool but then life happens and when we moved to AZ when house hunting my requirement was a pool so here I am, I brought my knowledge from here when I was using intex and just read and read threads with inground pools and wala it worked every time we moved I dragged my test kit with me pool or not
The volume of the pool is so small that using anything more than a tablespoon of CYA is going to over stabilize the pool. Its not worth buying a 4lb container when such a small amount is all you need. This pool is easily drained and refilled.
This is a good point. Maybe he has a friend he could borrow a cup of powdered stabilizer from?

I agree but he seems intent on limiting the drain and fills, and I don't blame him!

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Also Bean. Keep in mind that with so little gallons, it will be easy to use up any sanitization. Many (but small) doses will be the key. If you are out there half the day on the weekend, maybe check every hour or so and add accordingly.
The volume of the pool is so small that using anything more than a tablespoon of CYA is going to over stabilize the pool. Its not worth buying a 4lb container when such a small amount is all you need. This pool is easily drained and refilled.
Maybe you could buy one tablet and crack off a piece of it for your small pool. I have seen single tablets sold for around $5 (I think) at ACE.
I had several kiddie pools in the past and they can go bad quickly. The BEST thing I ever did was learn to cover the pool with a tarp draped so it contacts the water and tied on whenever it was not in use. Along with the old BBB method, covering the pool let me go from daily bleach adds to two or three times a week and I never had to drain and refill one again.
Thanks for all the support and tips. I'm part way into week 3 here with a clean and clear pool, just some dirt on the bottom and bugs floating. I use the intex filter to vac the dirt off the bottom and a strainer to grab all the floating cotton and bugs. pH continues to hover around ~8s and chlorine is low everytime i check it - I'll try to find a tarp to cover it up. I do add bleach throughout the day, about 10-20ml of it. Might be overdoing it a bit but I figured its burning off from the sun pretty quick. Should I be adding bleach throughout the day to avoid an algae starting since i don't have any stabilizer?

I will avoid the k2006 (overkill) and pick up a chlorine test kit. HD doesn't have anything here but I'll get something from tftest to support you guys.
I'll see if I can get some pool stabilizer from my neighbors. A few of them have pools but they have a pool guy come maintain them so I'm not sure how much chems they have on hand.

I really want to avoid draining and filling the pool because its on my deck with no stairs and I don't have a hose up there so Its a pretty painful process each time. The last ~2wks have been amazing with a pool read as needed and zero drain/clean/fill.
Hi @Bean4me 👋
I had several small pools like yours for many years & was able to follow the advice here & get my sea legs so to speak.
A floater with a 1” stabilized trichlor tablet (if u can find any) can get u where u need to be as well just be mindful that they are also acidic & can lower ph. You can just remove the floater when the kids are in there . It won’t take much w/ your pool volume so be sure to check its not adding too much fc.
PoolMatheffects of adding can help u determine how many tablets total it will take to get to around 30 or 40 cya then you can switch back to bleach only. If you don’t find any you can currently get a 4# bag of stabilizer for about $13 @ walmart.com- it will be like a lifetime supply for u as u will only need about a tablespoon 😁
As for a cheap kit the hth one has the cya test included which is very useful- you can re order the Taylor cya regeant when u run out as its only enough for like 2 tests or just pick up another kit if u need to. I used this kit for many years until i got a “big girl” pool .
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ah heck, I bet the OP will have a bigger pool pretty soon, the CYA will keep 🤣
Yeah - i think he/she is one of us now!
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Don't cover it up during a SLAM. Thats for routine conditions... True or not I have read that the SLAM process produces outgassing than need to escape the pool...
Don't cover it up during a SLAM. Thats for routine conditions... True or not I have read that the SLAM process produces outgassing than need to escape the pool...
You're not wrong, but --as fun as it might be to practice... I don't think a SLAM will be warranted on a 100 gallon pool. :LOL:
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