Turnover of Pool Water - Further Reading

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Turnover of Pool Water

You will see its aid in the TFP Forums that turnover is a myth. What is meant by that shorthand saying is that there is no science behind the pool water needing any number of "turnovers" and that 100% water turnover is not achievable.

Trying to achieve a turnover goal gets pool owners to focus on the wrong metrics when selecting a pump and then running the pump faster then necessary if it is a variable speed pump (VS).

There are times, such as during the Slam Process clearing algae, when you need maximum filtering and running your pump at high speeds 24/7 is recommended. For normal pool operation that is unnecessary and is further discussed in the Pool School Determine Pump Run Time article.

You need to run your pump for a reason, and all we are saying is that "turnovers" are not a reason by itself.

If you have a SWCG, then you need to run the amount of time it takes to generate the amount of chlorine your pool needs. That is a real reason to run the pump. I might only have to run my pump 6 hours, because I have a large SWCG and a small pool, and you might have to run your pump for 18 hours, because you have a large pool with a small SWCG. (Just an example..) The point being that we believe in running the pump to achieve some result, and not just to meet some magical number that someone pulled out of their rear.

The main reasons to run your pump are:

  1. To generate chlorine if you have a SWCG or tab feeder.
  2. To skim your pool.
  3. To mix chemicals if you manually add them.