Ozone Systems - Further Reading

Revision as of 21:46, 5 October 2019 by ajw22 (talk | contribs)

We do not use or endorse the use of ozone systems.

Ozone manufacturers that push Ozone systems say you need to maintain a minimal amount of chlorine in the water. Here at TFP we group them together as an "alternative" system that is potentially unsafe to the swimmers in the water.

Additionally, ozone systems are impossible to test to see if they are working or not.

Ozone provides no residual effectiveness. It only cleans what comes in direct contact with it. We would much rather maintain a higher FC level and know that pool water is safe since it's the water itself that carries the sanitizing effects along with it.

Does Ozone Increase pH or TA?

Bubbles from an ozonator are air plus added ozone, so it contains mostly nitrogen gas and oxygen gas with some ozone gas (some of the oxygen has been converted to ozone via corona discharge or UV depending on the system). The amount of CO2 will be that in air and will be less than that in pool water so there will be some degree of mixing and aeration as with any air bubbles going through the water. The ozone will mostly dissolve into the water as an aqueous (dissolved) gas.[1]

The pH will rise more than it would if you had no ozonator, but it's not because of the ozone but rather because of the air bubble that not only pulls some carbon dioxide from the water, but more importantly physically disturbs the surface of the water where the bubbles escape. Such disturbance increases the rate of carbon dioxide outgassing.

The same principles hold for saltwater chlorine generators and their hydrogen gas bubbles except they have no carbon dioxide in them initially so have a somewhat greater effect on aeration.

High-end commercial ozonators have oxygen concentrators feeding nearly 100% oxygen gas to the ozonator to produce higher levels of ozone (6%+) and in this case the rest of the gas is oxygen.