Does anyone actually like their Diamond Brite?


Platinum Supporter
May 16, 2011
TX (~30 miles south of Dallas)
Pool Size
SWG Type
Pentair Intellichlor IC-60
In the process of interviewing gunite pool builders now instead of vinyl, I am learning more about the plaster pool finishes. We don't want to spend the money to upgrade to the pebble type products, but the Diamond Brite was recommended by a couple of buildersand it seems like it might be worth it over the standard white plaster.

In searching for information on this site about the product, I'm running into discussions of bad mottling, streaking and general dissatisfaction with pool application and the end result. This is making me worried. Does anyone actually like their Diamond Brite finish? Is my best option just to visit the pool builder's previous DB pools to see how they look?

Also, if anyone wants to post a picture of the DB pool with the color name, that would be great too!
My brother has a Diamond Brite plaster on his pool in Vegas. Its a real pretty blue, and he has had it for over 5 years with no problems. I think all finishes are how you take care of them whether its pebbletec, stonescape, or just plain old plaster. Its nice to have the big warranties with pebble though.
Would the Finest Finish products be a possible alternative for you? Maybe it would have more color and price options. (

I have no idea about costs, but check into it. MartinKennedy has it on his pool and SoonerWing is planning to use it. Those guys know what they're doing. Check out their pool build threads and then search this site and Google regarding Finest Finish.

Also, I've read that the most critical component of a pool surface/finish is the ability of the applicators.

Sorry I can't help with the Diamond Brite. Good luck! Suz.
Thank you for the replies. We've interviewed 3 out of 5 gunite PBs so far (not counting the 2 vinyl guys). I guess we'll really just have to see the final bids and see where are priorities are and if we can afford to upgrade to the higher end products. It's good to know that there are people out there who are happy with DB though.

Aside from cost, I'm concerned about the pool finish's longevity, roughness, and whether it will look the way it's supposed to. Since we were originally looking into vinyl I wasn't going to have to worry about plaster mottling and staining, so now that it's on the table with a gunite pool, it has me a little concerned. I'm sold on using these TFP methods for pool maintenance, but since it's all theory right now, I'm a little wary of messing up a huge inve$tment! :)

Thanks, Suz, for the Finest Finish tip. I will have to look that up.
I may have accidentally come across some information for you. Our downstairs a/c went out a couple of days ago. Our a/c guy just left. He's a great guy and been in the business about 30 years. He was so excited to see I'm building a pool. After he did his work and gave me the bad news, he started asking me all sorts of questions about our pool. It turns out he did an Owner Build pool 3 years ago. He was telling me all that he loved about.

I asked him what finish he went with. He said that was the one disappointment he has. He went with Diamond Brite in a medium blue. His wife wanted the sparkling shells added, so the plaster guy did that. In fact they did two bags. After the acid wash and a couple of days later, they noticed black spots on the plaster all throughout the pool. They called the plaster guy out, so he drained the pool and did another acid wash. It only worsened the problem. He then called the Diamond Brite company. They sent a company rep. The rep said that the shells were not a product of Diamond Brite and should never have been used by the plaster guy. Since it wasn't a problem with a Diamond Brite product, there was no warranty for it.

The good news is that with time, those shells begin to disintegrate, so the black spots are going away.

The other disappointment is that he said the plaster color has faded to almost a white. He said not a pure white, but not the blue they first had put in that his wife loved. He said, the finish is still very durable looking, they are just disappointed in the black spots and the fading.

From what I can tell, the moral of the story is to skip adding any shell features unless they are a Diamond Brite product and know going in a medium blue color may fade.

I hope this helps. Take it with a grain of salt - it's just one story, but this guy is a credible source. Maybe he had an inexperienced plaster guy.

Thanks, Suz. That is very helpful. We won't be adding anything to the mix, but it's good to know how the color fades relatively quickly. That's a huge downer in my mind.

I hope your A/C issues have been resolved. That is NOT fun!
Thanks, Suz. That is very helpful. We won't be adding anything to the mix, but it's good to know how the color fades relatively quickly. That's a huge downer in my mind.

I hope your A/C issues have been resolved. That is NOT fun!

I would try to get input from more people. He was doing an Owner Build, so maybe the plaster guy was more the problem than the product. But I did want to pass along the info. Oh..... and now I remember he told me he uses a pool service. I've heard that if the chemicals aren't checked regularly and balance maintained (usually more often than a pool company), that can be hard on a finish. Maybe his company is dumping in unnecessary chemicals which are damaging the surface. Gee,,, now that I think about it, maybe I shouldn't have passed along what he told me. I guess it's better to hear all sides to see how much weight to put on info.

It's a sad day for the A/C...... But the good news is that I've already spent all the money I can on the pool project. That money is GONE, so there is no dilemma on where to make cuts for the sake of the A/C! I guess that's a little backwards way to look at it. We will just be eating beans for a long, long time! But we'll be cool and refreshed outside AND inside, right?!!! Thanks. Suz.
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