New Polaris 280


Well-known member
May 28, 2008
Pleasanton, CA

Having only known the Lectro Legend Pool sweep for 9 years, I hooked up the new Polaris 280 today.
Out of the box the distance from head of cleaner to the back up valve was 3 feet, and overall the leader tube was 4 feet longer than the depth of my pool. BUT the whole product's length of tubing is what I need distance wise.

1. I took 0.5 foot off the cleaner to backup valve (a poster here said their backup valve said 2.5 feet from unit was what was needed) probably should have left that alone.
2. I took off 3.5 feet off back up valve to swivel to bring swivel to my pool depth. The manual indicated such.
3. I added that length of leader tube back in with another swivel <coz I needed that length>.
4. Left all thicker tubing as is.
5. Have 2 floats between swivel and backup valve, one near each device.

Will it really work better to buy another 10 feet of thicker tubing to make up those 4 feet I need, and then take off the extra 6 feet by cutting down each thicker tubing section equally?
Do I defeat the purpose of some great mechanical intent to put a swivel where it is supposed to be but then cheat another swivel in with a short piece of same soft tubing?

When the backup valve comes on (way to frequently if you ask me) the unit goes flying back through the water until it shuts off and the cleaner lands. Supposed to do that? Thebackup valve can pull the cleaner so near the surface that the backup valve and its flow occasionally breaks the surface of the water! Is this something I control in the Intellitouch? A booster pump setting?

I have the blue restrictor in and the RPM is barely 28/min. I pulled the float further away from it than the diagram and it seems a little better. Occasionally the unit goes flying toward the tubing and I wonder if it will tangle in the tubing at some point!

My Legend was a TANK. Its backup valve was working, pool installer set the tube positions, I never gave it a thought. I always assumed the valve works just enough to "encourage" the cleaner to another direction. Not to yank it out of its path!
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