Hi! New to this site (obviously)

Mar 30, 2015
Galt, CA
I'm a newbie here. I'm in Sacramento, CA. I do not know how to categorize my question, so I'm starting here. What kind of flooring do you have in your home? We have carpet, but it always gets wet after we swim, no matter how well we dry off. We are probably going to go with a concrete floor because I LOVE the way stained concrete looks, but obviously we will need a rug or something to keep from slipping if we are wet. Then I think it has to be small so I can wash it otherwise it will just get moldy like the carpet we are going to rip up. Just wondering if anyone has suggestions? I thought I'd check with actual pool owners before I posted on some flooring or home improvement forum.
Thank you,
We battle that with the kids a little. Wrapping in towels and enforcing a sit down time for a few minutes seems to soak up most of it. We have wood floors and it hasn't been enough of an issue to cause a problem. Occasionally, I'll have to take my towel and wipe up some drips. Especially with guest kids. I can see how carpet could be worse because you can't really see it and you can't really wipe it up. I think the stained concrete will be good, easy to wipe up and doesn't matter a lot if you don't. A small rug at the door that you can hang up outside when it gets wet will probably be handy.
Welcome. My husband and I are the only ones who truly use our pool daily and he's worse that a pack of soaken wet kids when he comes in from the pool. I just grab a mop n go behind him.