Unbelievable !!!!


Silver Supporter
Aug 28, 2012
Houston, TX
I am trying to as stay positive as I can w this PB, but the **** just goes on...

It is raining a storm when I get home and he is waiting and wants access to the garage/breaker box, so I open the 2-door garage door.

Was not paying attn due to working at home, but someone in our house said he was trying diff aspects of the new pool [nothing on the equipment pad has ever been turned on bc it's all new and electricity has never been turned on]. So, he leaves w out saying a word, my garage door is left wide open w tons of expensive stuff still in the boxes inside, garqage lights on and rain coming in on an angle. He also left the spa overflow pump on that creates a waterfall from the spa to the pool.

Since I have no clue what turns what on, is there a particular reason why this was left on? If not, can someone give me a heads-up on how to turn it off wout just throwing the breaker? It's all Hayward equipment w a variable speed pump for pool and separate pump for scuppers, I believe.

If I did just turn-off the breaker, would this damage anything? I am not sure if he coming back and I am so po'ed at him for some BS he pulled yesterday I am not calling him. I have dealt w all types of vendors, contractors, GC's over 30+ yrs and have never had even a remotie issue w any of them like this.

thank you.
It is normal for the pump to be left on 24/7 starting when the pool is filled and continuing for several weeks. Not everyone does it that way, but it is the preferred approach in most cases. One semi-common exception is when doing an acid start, the pump is often left off for a day or two after adding acid.

When was the plaster applied? And when was the pool filled? Do you know what kind of startup they are doing?

And most importantly, who is responsible for maintaining the water chemistry? You or them?
Thanks Jason/

When was the plaster applied? It was completed this monday, acid washed tues aftn and we starting filling tues evening and went 3/4 way then Wed and the rest this morning it was filled.

And when was the pool filled? It was completed this morning

Do you know what kind of startup they are doing? No, but there is a gallon of muratic acid near the pool when they left yesterday. I asked him should I take it into the garage or other and he said "No".

And most importantly, who is responsible for maintaining the water chemistry? You or them? I believe our contract states they get the water chemistry right then turn it over to us. they have a huge punch list and now wks or more of waiting to remove 2+ inches of soaked mud hills that they did not remove yesterday bc bobcat broke.

I just had delivered today [per the TFP's member recommendations and Pool School from what I read so far] the TK-100 test kit and also ordered the magnetic stir stick. I planned on monitoring the pH and TA to make sure the plaster does not get either white, flakey or scaled due to Ca issues. What specifically should I ask the PB and I will do it now?

Thank you again Jason, appreciate your follow-up,
PS - what is the nature of running the pump in the manner? what is it supposed to do and why?

Thank you

- - - Updated - - -

"So, the conclusion seems to be that they were inconsiderate and sloppy, but probably did want to turn on the pump."

This company is going to get a rating of F-. They are horrble...If I could go back, I would have never built the pool but the summer kitchen and extension yes. The experience has been 6-7 mo's of total BS. I could go on forever, but this does no one on the forum any good.

If you live in the greater Hou area and are looking at PB's now, PM me and I will save your sanity and all your immediate relationships w family, neighnbors and HOA
The pump is normally run 24/7 for fresh plaster to keep the chemistry uniform and help clear any plaster dust.

The spa spillover is presumably running because they want as much water circulation in the spa as possible, as well as the pool. It is also possible that the system will cycle the spa spillover on and off on it's own.
Thanks Jason.

I have read threads here about making sure the water chemistry is kept at a certain level to ensure no scaling on plaster and proper curing. I would suggest that if it cures properly, there is less plaster dust and if so, by running the pump as your stated, it will filter out any residual precipitants as well.

Since I just received the TK-100 test kit, is there any type of test I should be performing now during start-up? If so, pls let me know and I will do so and post the results.

We just had 2" of rain and the temp is dropping to 36 tonight. I do not have a pool water temp gauge, but I guess that is something I should purchase pretty soon, yes?

Thanks again,
The good news is when it is all said and done and you are having your first big party with the pool etc you will forget about all the trouble it was to get here and you will hopefully love it. 7 or 8 months for 20 or 30 years of fun and memories will seem worth it in the long run, just not right now when your still knee deep in it.
As a side note, be careful with what you do with your acid jugs. Once they are opened and the seal is breached, the acid vapors can escape. This time of year, it's not a problem. But once the hot Houston summer arrives, you run high potential of corroding everything in your garage with the fumes. (Don't ask me how I know. It's a painful story I'd like to forget about.) I would consider storing open acid jugs somewhere where the acid won't attack items that you might care about.

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Thanka for the heads-up Jay...did you guys get some good rain in Katy too?

I remember from my Physics, PV=nRT ..T being Temperature and as that increases, the pressure does too inside the bottle and if seal is broken, gas will escape and if it hits anything metal, it will corrode it I am sure.

It's amazing how many people on this forum are from TX and even locally. It is great however, to get perspective from all over the country...lots of knowledge here.
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