A Friend's nasty neglected pool - out of reagents, so.....


Well-known member
Jul 1, 2014
North Fort Pierce, FL
Pool Size
A friend of mine requested my help with her nasty, neglected pool. It's an Intex Vinyl at 7,600 gallons, pump and filter, no SWG. I used the last of my R 0871 and R 0013 to test her pool. It came back FC 0, CYA 0, TA 70, pH 7.0 or lower. Since she got it about 6 weeks ago, she has "maintained" it with only the little 1" pucks of Trichlor and occasionally running her pump/filter. It was only slightly green, but very cloudy with all sorts of small debris on the bottom. I introduced her to this website, added 2 gallons of 3% bleach and filled a small bag she had available with a guestimated 1 1/3 cups of CYA and hung that in front of her return. I told her to add 1/2 gallon of her 8.25% bleach when the sun went down and another 1/2 gallon when it comes back up this morning. She has 3 pouches of the powdered Shock that has some CYA in it, but I suggested she save that for later. I loaned her an aeration device to bring her pH up and told her to run it overnight.

Obviously, I can't test it for FC due to absence of reagent until the new supply arrives, which will probably be mid-week. I'll test her pH today to see where it stands.

Any suggestions other than keep adding bleach and letting the filter run constantly? I'm going to suggest that she change from 1/2 gallon (at 8.25%) mornings and evenings to 1/3 gallon. OR... Would it be better to use her pouches of shock since it has some CYA in it?

EDIT- oh, she has a battery operated vacuum which I've told her to operate very SLOWLY (so as not to stir up all the debris on the bottom). Of course by that time, she had already stirred it up quite thoroughly. Hopefully it settled down overnight.
Good luck on helping your friend!

Have you taught her about removing the debris from the bottom? If she's done that, you probably could reduce the bleach to 1/3 morning and night.

Yea, I thought of that after I posted and edited the post to include that info. I don't know if it'll settle back down to the bottom with the pump running, but I'll find out today when I go over there.
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