What Are These Spots?


TFP Expert
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Apr 16, 2007
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Jandy Aquapure 1400
They look kinda orange in some spots and then some look like a lighter version...

I am very pro-active in maintaining FC levels and the water has never turned even a hint of green. I have also maintained a 0 - .5 CC, no higher and have only shocked it once when opening.


FC - 3.5
CC - 0
TC - 3.5
pH - 7.5
CYA - 40 (was 50 til my bro came over a few weeks ago plus it rained a.k.a. filled-up)


FC - 6.5
FC went to 2.5 that night with a 1 CC so I asked who was peeing in the pool (4 boys, 3 girls all day with a couple breaks in between) and the girls blabbed the boys out because the one said he had to go and my son told him to do it in the pool :hammer: so I don't even want to imagine if all the boys were doing it but my test results kinda confirm my suspicions that they were!
I brought it up to shock level last night after hearing such a thing! *faint*

Two hours after shocking, I got an FC of 15.5 with a .5 CC.

This morning, checked it at 10:30 am (4 1/2 hours after sunlight hit pool) and got an FC of 12 with a 0 CC reading.

My water has always been sparkly but I've had these spots appear in the last few weeks. :?

There are 2 directly above the dark one and one off to the right and those look to have hollow centers...

They reside on the wall on both sides of the skimmer (shady side in afternoon) and I have one spot on the other side (where I'm standing which is the shady spot in the morning)
Yellow spot here is my dd's goggles she left in over night...

Pool temp has been in 78-80 range most of summer. (I filter at night and do not use a solar cover at all.)
AHAAAAA! Found the source!

Two copper BB's. :rant:

Now those two BB's did a lot of damage in my estimation. There are more spots I didn't initially see until I went down under. I spent a 1/2 hour on the bottom of my pool just now and all I found were the 2 of them happily rolling around! :rant:

Is it time for Vit C?

Oh~ and I realize this doesn't fit in the Algae forum now that I know what it is, so if someone wants to move it elsewhere, just let me know where it'll go. 8) Done.. ;) (Molson)
I've had good luck just laying a Vitamin C tablet on the spot. Scrub the spot with your finger and repeat the pill application as needed.
Casey, sorta thought from the pics that it was metal, but I'd have asked if anyone had been drilling or filing metal on the deck near the stains. As John said, the vit C should work well :-D

\Now the question is, which one of the girls has the BB gun? (I'm sure this isn't the boys -- they PP in the pool, not BB :lol: )

Whichever of the rugrats is/ are responsible for this please inform them that BBs are NOT part of BBB :mrgreen:
You are too funny waste! :lol:

And the weird part is that my kids don't own BB guns! :shock:
I don't know who could have done the BB's but I did have "someone" jump into the pool 2-3 weeks ago. I heard a BIG splash into the pool (the pool sits right off the living room) and I went to look out and the door was locked and thought maybe my husband snuck out for a swim by himself but it wasn't him. I grabbed a flash light and headed out and all the river rocks were dry except for one spot, they were soaked along with the wall. I'm assuming they jumped the pool wall, got their feel and jumped right back out and ran like heck.

I was talking with a neighbor a couple days later and she said she heard a boy and a girl justa carrying on right behind her house on the bike trail (runs past our houses) that night so it maybe one of the two teenagers...

Kinda hard to prove if you didn't see anything. But I know I did hear the SPLASH!

It's really to bad that my rotty can't sit out all night because a bum knee. He loved to play catch me if you can. :twisted:

Thanks for all the advice found on this site. I'm going to get some Vit C tabs on Friday and see how it goes. :goodjob:
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