Is pH supposed to change this much?


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2014
Youngstown, OH
Have had my pool since 7/4.. Here are my numbers so far:


My pH after initial fill with city hose water was 7.8.. I was advised to put in 12oz of muriatic acid so I did.. 4 hours after I had put that in I tested pH and it was 7.0.. Next day it was 7.2, next day 7.0, no test, next day 7.0.. I then added 76oz of borax to try and bring it up.. The day after I added the borax I tested and it was 7.8, the next day 7.6, no test, and then today it is 7.2/7.0 (very close - so I guess 7.0)..

Is pH supposed to change that much?? My FC levels I have been keeping in the recommended levels and my TA as well..

Let me know your guys thoughts..

Pool is crystal clear just as an FYI.


Go play around with Effects of Adding Chemicals in poolmath. See what effect CYA has on pH.

The readings seem to jump a lot more than I would expect, but things do correspond with chemical additions. CYA is, after all, an acid. You added muriatic acid and CYA at almost the same time which accounts for big drops, since the CYA takes time to dissolve. The borax pushed it back up. Then more CYA which is acidic.

You may be overestimating the pool size and overshooting. Remember to calculate volume by actual depth, not wall height. You haven't gone wildly out of range, so just ease up a little on the pH adjustments and see if things smooth out. You're still in the learning phase, too. You'll get there. In a month's time, it will be as routine as heating a cup of leftover coffee in the microwave. You'll scroll through your post history and cringe. We all do.
Thanks guys.. So adding the additional stabilizer yesterday is most likely the reason for the big drop?

Should I add some more borax at this point or just let it sit for a few days?

Oh, and how does one measure actual pool depth? Should I take a tape measure in with me?
Thanks guys.. So adding the additional stabilizer yesterday is most likely the reason for the big drop?

Should I add some more borax at this point or just let it sit for a few days?

Oh, and how does one measure actual pool depth? Should I take a tape measure in with me?
7.2 is acceptable. Stop micromanaging. Enjoy a few days' relief. I didn't get in to measure my pool, since I moved in in winter. But, yeah, that's it. Don't let the blade retract until after it dries or the whole thing will rust solid.
Oh, and how does one measure actual pool depth? Should I take a tape measure in with me?

But, yeah, that's it. Don't let the blade retract until after it dries or the whole thing will rust solid.

Using your net/brush pole, just touch the end to the bottom and grab it at the waterline...then you can just measure from the end of the pole to that spot. Tape measure doesn't get wet and it's a lot easier to try to have a good vertical with the pole (or use a level if you're truly anal about it).
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