TFP Business Cards


TFP Expert
LifeTime Supporter
Jul 21, 2011
Eastern Ohio
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
There has been talk lately about having a TFP Business card made to pass out to those who have yet to find the site. We have designed a .PDF file based on Avery Cardstock 8859 that can be downloaded and printed at home. We hope you share these with others this upcoming season.

Front TFP Business Card PDF (10 per page)

Rear TFP Business Card PDF (10 per page)

A couple of suggestion from someone that was once involved in the sign and printing business:

Use a simpler easier to read font to pass the squint and glance test, Make the logo a little smaller and text bigger, you need to get them hooked in 1 second glance or less, more than that and most people will not read the whole message. To me this means "Trouble Free Pool" in big easy read letters, maybe "Want a trouble free pool?" in big easy to read letters then direct them to the bullet points / mission statement and URL.

Also come up with a 1 sided version, lots of people have color laser and ink jet printers these days that do not easily duplex, for the ink jet crowd also introduce a white background version to avoid saturating the paper.

Picture yourself in a parking lot somewhere and a stranger hands you a business card, you don't know if he is a religious nut, selling health juice extract, or what. If you don't get hooked on that first glance chances are good that you will ignore / toss the card and never read the full message.
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