Persistent Leak On Hayward Super Pump/Multiple Rebuilds


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Aug 6, 2010
Durham, NC
I have a leak on a Hayward Super Pump that I can't get rid of despite multiple rebuilds.

The pump probably dates from 1998-1999. Two years ago I had the motor rebuilt and reassembled the pump with a new seal and housing gasket. The pump didn't leak at all.

Around two months ago the impeller shaft broke. The plastic looked like it had been exposed to heat, but it could just have been age and chlorine. I got a new impeller (with brass shaft), seal and housing gasket. After reassembling the pump there was a slow but steady leak. I've not been able to get a good visual on exactly where the water is coming from.

Around a month ago somebody who was pool/house sitting let the water level drop and the pump ran dry for a day or two. I got another new seal and housing gasket, but the leak continued.

Yesterday I got yet another new seal and housing gasket, and lacking any other ideas I also got a new seal plate. Still leaking.

I don't have a micrometer gauge, but at eyeball-precision the motor shaft does not appear warped.

The bolts have always been well tightened. I haven't used a torque wrench, but could do so if necessary.

Does anybody have any suggestions on what to try next? Could something other than the seal plate have been damaged when the impeller broke? It's not a bad leak, but it is annoying.

A few questions before I tear this puppy apart again.

If there is a crack, is it repairable? If so, and given the vibration and pressure, would you recommend (rigid) epoxy or (flexible) silicone for a repair? The material that the housing is made of and the potential high concentrations of chemicals that are added through the skimmer might be other factors.

Can the (new) housing gasket be reused or do I need to schlep back to the pool store for another one?

ChuckDavis said:
If there is a crack, is it repairable?
The technique in the link provided by mpnret might work. However, I have not done that type of repair and don't know if it will hold up. I don't know of another good repair technique for that type of plastic.

ChuckDavis said:
Can the (new) housing gasket be reused or do I need to schlep back to the pool store for another one?
Since it's new, it can probably be reused. It depends if it is deformed a lot or minimally.

If the housing is cracked, I think that the crack will be on the bottom of the housing where the housing gasket goes. If it's not cracked, try cleaning out the track that the housing gasket goes into before installing the gasket.

If you want extra insurance, try using silicone sealant on the gasket and the seal assembly (not on the graphite or ceramic sealing surfaces, just on the rubber parts).

Note: Using silicone can make it harder to do a future repair because you will have to remove all of the silicone adhesive to do another repair. Allow the silicone to cure overnight before putting the pump into service. It's not something I normally recommend, but it might be something that needs to be done to get this to stop leaking.
I actually did that repair on my Super Pump II housing and it did work. I viewed it as a temporary repair while I was waiting for the new housing I ordered to be delivered. It did last for a week or so before I changed the housing. It may have lasted a long time but I don't know.
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