Need an advise from those with auto cover


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Jul 20, 2012
Hi All,
So when my auto cover track was installed and subsequently everything else finished, plaster, grout, etc, one thing thing that was not done, it the line where the track sits on top of the tile is not 100% flush with the tile and has some spacing in some areas as it was never grouted or caulked... I asked both the builder and the autocover guys about it and both said it was fine, but i'm worried as I can definitely see water getting in there. Not a big gap, maybe 2-3mm in some areas, but still....
Here are the pics for reference, see the gap between the tile and the bottom of the auto cover rail.



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well that's my fear as you really don't want any water potentially getting behind the tile and the water in most definitely splashing in there with those unfilled gaps... we've been swimming since early July and no problems so far, but I wouldn't really expect any immediate issues, my concerns are more longer term.
So, that's what I would like to find out if its a common practice to not grout/caulk or somehow seal that joint and should I be getting on my builder to get it fixed. It just doesn't sit well with me.
Since mine is CoverStar, the track looks slightly different. The lower section, below the rope, has a plastic strip that snaps in to provide a clean covering down just below the top edge of the tiles. But there are also places where I can see grout up on top of the tile, against the track system. It does not look like yours with small gaps. However, I think the places where I can see the tops of the tiles are on the end opposite the cover pit where it's just an aluminum spacer versus a track. I'll try to get pics for reference.
Thanks. I spoke with the builder again as well as the company who installed the cover and they're both swearing that this is not an issue and the space between the tile and rail always left like this and not causing issues because the gaps are just too small for to much water to get in... i'm still not having the warm and fuzzy...
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