Pool cover


LifeTime Supporter
Jul 9, 2009
I have read through all the threads on different types of covers and manufacturers. I have to make a choice pretty quick, since we are coming up on closing time. My situation is that my free form pool has rock work along the the back side (30') and a cave with waterfall over it. I have been debating about going into the cave with the cover or up over the front. And I would prefer not to have anchors in the rock work and inside the cave, but it seems I may not have a choice. I have had one dealer tell me that no matter what, with the rock work and cave the company will not warranty for "safety, fit or wear"... which leads me to wonder what else there is to warranty for...!

I am trying to decide between Loop Loc mesh, Loop Loc Ultra Loc II, Merlin SmartMesh and Merlin regular mesh.

Anyone else with rock work and cave who has made this choice, I would appreciate your input.

I know it's not loop-loc but I came across a safety cover that instead of using cable around the wall they used eyebolts that threaded into a ferrule that was installed into the wall. The eyebolt could be removed leaving the very small ferrule behind which isn't very visible and could be hidden even more with a little bit of paint. The reason the cover isn't safety is because a certain percentage of the cover has to be held in place with the standard springs, if there aren't enough regular springs they don't consider it safety.
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