Liner - too tight on one side?

Jul 4, 2013
Southcentral WI
We just installed a j hook vinyl liner on our 30' round above ground pool. The liner was very tight in the last 15' or so. It wasn't close to touching the wall. After lots of gentle pulls and hops, we moved some slack to the tight side of the pool. We have 2" of water in the pool now, and it's obvious that the liner is still tight on the top of that one side, and more loose on the opposite side (probably from installation?). Will filling the pool up with water fix this, or will there always be more pressure on the tight side, possibly causing liner failure sooner? I know that the bottom will be okay, but the top, in theory, will always be more tight there unless we fix it now, correct? My spouse and I are in disagreement about what to do.

If we need to reinstall the liner, do we have to drain all 2" of water first? The first pic shows the extra slack on the liner where it may not have been pulled enough during installation. The last 2 pics show how the liner wall is pulling towards the side that's too tight.


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Have you checked that the pool diameter is the same at all points, and that the walls are all plumb? Those issues can cause liner fit issues.
What do you mean about the walls being all plumb? We checked the pool diameter during/after the wall installation. After we had to remove our center stake, we haven't checked it since.

Does the liner on the walls look funny to you, or does that look normal before the pool has been filled? Thanks!
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