Pre-dissolve CYA in warm water?


LifeTime Supporter
Does anyone pre-dissolve CYA in warm water before adding to the pool? If yes, how much CYA will 1 gallon dissolve and how long does it take?

I need to get my pool level of CYA up and I need to clean my cartridge filter, and don't need to wait 1 week for CYA to dissolve.

CYA takes FOREVER to dissolve. Even in a whole pool it can take a week. I've never tried to dissolve it in water in advance. I can't see any harm in it, but I suspect you'll find it much more difficult to dissolve than you thought. I doubt you can dissolve a decent amount in a gallon.

Maybe if you have a magnetic stirrer and keep it warm and leave it for a few hours... I don't know though.

If you try it, post back and let us know how it went.
CYA is not significantly more soluable in hot water then cold. Just pour it into your skimmer, run your pump for the first 48 hours, don't clean your filter for a week, and don't stress over it!
If you have a situation where there is no cya and an algae bloom that is requiring frequent filter cleaning then put the cya in a sock and drop it in the pool but don't squeeze it or put it in the water flow.. You want it to dissolve in the water, not disperse and then get washed out when you clean your filter. It will still take a week to dissolve or possibly more this way.
Thanks Everyone.

There is a sense of urgency to get it all done now. The other issue I failed to mention is my pressure guage isn't working, so after vac'ing out a lot of debris I'm not sure if my cartridge is clogged or not. So, I've got a new guage to replace, clean the cart and get some CYA in there. Those are just not a convenient set of problems to have.

The return flow seems strong, so maybe I can wait on the cart clean/guage replace. The CYA issue is the one I'll put on top of the list and wait a week to clean/replace.

Trying not to stress. :)

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