Hayward SuperPumps and SWG Pools


Oct 20, 2009
Last year I replaced the motor on my Hayward SuperPump after only three seasons of use. This year, after only one season, a bearing has already gone out due to a failed seal.

A local motor shop (that services pumps/motors for most of the local pool installers) said that recently they have seen a large number of motor failures with pumps used in saltwater pools. He installed a newly designed seal that is supposed to hold up better in saltwater service.

He also mentioned a "disc" of some type, that you place in the strainer/basket, that is supposed to help reduce the effects of the saltwater before it enters the pump. I have searched for such an item, but, nothing comes up. Does anyone here know what he might be talking about?

I can't afford to be servicing my motor every season.
Re: SuperPump's and SWG Pools

Will be interesting to hear if the "new" seal type helps ... we have not seen a lot of these reports.

No idea what the disk would be, but logically it makes no sense.
Pure speculation on my part, but the reason he is seeing more problems with salt water pools is because there are more and more folks who are waking up to the virtues of SWCG installations.

My 10 year old Hayward Superpump hasn't complained about my salty pool....yet. It's beginning to look a little ragged, but it keeps on moving the water.

SWCG is the worst thing that has ever happened to the pool chemical business.

Maybe what you are hearing is sour grapes.
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