Brushing stains


Active member
Apr 11, 2013
Baltimore, MD
Well I finally got the water clear, and now I can see all the stains! I've been scrubbing these with my standard nylon bristle brush and making no progress. Could these stains be live algae? Should I try a wire bristle brush? Can I damage the surface by brushing too much or too hard? Thanks!


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Don't use wire on that vinyl liner!

That could be calcium scale, metal stains, or organic staining.

Let's try to narrow things down. Does it feel rough? Have you ever used any miracle-pool-treatment-mineral non-chlorine-ultra-safe-overpriced system? Any algaecides?

Can you post a full set of test results?

Finally, if you get ahold of a trichlor puck and set it on the stain for a few minutes, does it lighten? If not, find a dark stain on the steps and set a plain Vitamin C tablet on it and see if it leaves a clean spot behind.
Sorry for slacking on the response time.

I was pretty sure it was a concrete pool. Can you tell it's vinyl from the pictures? If it is concrete can I wire brush it? All of the surface feels rough.

I've had the house for about a year and it wasn't opened last summer. I've used only bleach, dichlor, trichlor, and floc. There is a panel for a "Healthcare" system but it's disconnected (looks to have been for a while).

The vitamin C test didn't seem to do much, nor did the trichlor puck.

I'm shocking right now, but I'll get the results up when the FC level comes down. Last check everything was in range.
I was pretty sure it was a concrete pool. Can you tell it's vinyl from the pictures? If it is concrete can I wire brush it? All of the surface feels rough.

Correct brushes:
Nylon is for vinyl, fiberglass, tile, and plaster that is less than one year. (Plaster includes any exposed aggregate and marcite finish, btw!) Combo brushes are for older plaster. All stainless are for algae (very stubborn green algae and also the ONLY brush for black algae.)

You CAN unscrew the Wall Whale from the nylon brush it comes with and screw it on a combo brush if your plaster is over a year old. Newer plaster is really too soft for anyting other than a nylon brush
Not sure what Richard was thinking a few weeks ago ... yours is certainly a plaster pool and using a combo brush would be fine.

Since the trichlor and vitamin C did not do anything, it is likely to be calcium scaling ... and Richard is the resident expert on dealing with that.
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