Treat Water While Filling?


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2007
Hillsborough, NC
I pumped all the water out of my pool last fall to save some of my larger shrubs in the drought. I want to avoid all the trouble I had last summer with algae. I am filling the pool now at a few hundred gallons a day - trying not to overwork my well pump. It will take a week or so to fill. Is it worth treating every day or will the water volume change too quickly to matter?
Yes, it is worth treating the water. But to do that you need to establish some circulation. Do you have a small pump, perhaps a cover pump or sump pump, you could use to get the partially full pool water circulating? You would only need to run the pump for half an hour to an hour after adding chemicals.
Thanks for the help.

I have a couple more inches to go and pool will be full. chelating agent was added last night, adding stablizer a bit at a time. I will shock today - wanted to let chelating agent work. pH is a bit high but will I retest in a few days since the CYA lowers it. I hope this year I can avoid all the issues I had last year.
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