No swimming weather in the long term forecast


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TFP Expert
Apr 4, 2007
SW Indiana
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
What the heck is going on? We've only been in the pool once this year. I could have used a jacket this morning coming to work.

I just checked the long-range forecast and we are expecting temperatures to average in the high 70s to very low 80s through the beginning of July. Pretty unusual, especially after the heat last summer.
Low 80's here in central Oklahoma, and rain, rain, and more RAIN!!!! We need the moisture and but now everything is flooded around here. At least you've been in your pool once. No one here except me has been in ours yet and that was only to vacuum it! :( water has made it to 78 but its since dropped to 74.
Sounds like you need to establish the Iowa division of the Polar Bear Club!!

Even us Good Ole' Boys in Raleigh didn't swim 'til yesterday and I think that was a one time shot as John sends his cold front down our way for the rest of the week.
A hearty Hoosier welcome to my Hoosier neighbors! I, too, have noticed that when it was hot enough to swim, the pool wasn't opened. Once the pool was open, the cooler weather set in. We're using these cooler temps to change out SWGs. Hopefully, everything will be ready to go when (and if) the warmer weather sets in.
+1 to the pity party.

I've been in maybe 5 times, once for an hour (longest swim of the season)

Very upsetting. I've only been running the heater when it was worth it... twice. Three consecutive days of 75+ and sunny would be great. But we're not even getting that!
Ours has been swum in twice...first at 57F last week and just one lap around the pool, then 69F yesterday after a good days worth of sun on the solar panels...this session lasted longer but included a few stops in the hot tub. Forecast doesn't have us hit an air temp of 70 for the rest of the week :cry:

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Well, we had a freeze here in early May, burned my garden pretty badly. Even some cool days over the last few weeks and it really messes up the "swimming time" mood for me. Very strange indeed, but the heat is on the way it looks like now. We shall see!
In ND, its been a heck of a weather year. Farmers are still planting, pool water is still in the 60's, and the rain has not stopped since 5/15. We have had 11 inches of rain in the last 3 weeks. We went from drought conditions last year, to flooding this year. The weather is a challenge for sure. I was in the pool once. No once else. Finally, the forecasted weather is for upper 70s next week. That will get the pool water in the 70s and then swimming will begin. Crazy dumb weather. I farm too, so between trying to finish planting the crop, plus my full time job, and then constant vacuuming of the pool because of the rain water; I am about ready to pop my top! Patience is a virtue for sure and I am beginning to loose mine!

Hope everyone has had a better swim season than us up here!

Between a good heater, the solar blanket, some sunny days, I've been in twice. I prefer to vacuum when I'm in the pool (I just find it easier) and I got all the sides brushed down (again I think it's easier from inside the pool). Water has cleared and it's looking great.
I'm sad to have to join the "too cold to swim club"
We have used the heater a lot and had a few fun swimming days, but mostly we have been staring a a sparkly but cool pool, waiting for the air temps to get above 80. :|
Didn't you know that a clear sign of global warming is cold wet summer weather????? Come on, it's common sense.
I don't know why all the complaining, can't you see the earth is frying itself into destruction????

Ok serisously, up here north of the 49th it's even worse with regards to cold temps, don't know what I'd do without the solar heater but I'm sure glad I bought it.

This winter the weather channel issued their summer forecast: you guessed it, major heat waves across north america with much of the west and central USA experiencing higher than normal temps and a sustained risk of drought........can you believe that????
Talk about missing the mark completely, all these people seem so biased towards global warming that they examine everything thru that prism.
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