Washing Soda resulted in cloudy pool


Active member
Aug 7, 2007
I had to replace my stabilizer after the winter, so I added CYA to 40 ppm. My pH went down to 7.0, so I looked at the Pool Calculator and then added 4 lbs of washing soda (sodium carbonate anhydrous). That was 2 days ago and my pool is still cloudy. I'm wondering if the washing soda hasn't all dissolved or if i've got calcium carbonate in suspension. I seem to remember something similar last year after adding the washing soda, and i think it cleared up in time.
Washing soda raises both the PH and the TA. If your calcium saturation index (CSI) is fairly high, raising PH can cause calcium clouding. You can usually clear it up fairly quickly by getting the CSI even slightly below zero, but that may defeat the point of adding the washing soda in the first place. Often calcium clouding will clear up on it's own over time, even if your CSI is above zero, but only if your CSI isn't too high.

If you post a full set of test numbers I could give you more specific advice.
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