My Liquidator Arrived Today


Mod Squad
TFP Expert
Apr 4, 2007
SW Indiana
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine

Do you live next door to DHL or did you fly over and drop it off? How can you possibly ship so quickly? I live in such a remote area that "Overnight" FedEx usually takes two days.

As an engineer, I'm impressed by the design of the unit. Not because of complexity, but because of the simplicity. It's not over-engineered, which probably would have driven the price up and made repairs more difficult.

Do you live next door to DHL or did you fly over and drop it off? How can you possibly ship so quickly? I live in such a remote area that "Overnight" FedEx usually takes two days.

Hi, John,

Ya' know, I think it must be those gnarly little "Santa's Elves" (remember the post about how they come down here from the North Pole and help me manufacture the test kits?) ... highlight=

Here's my theory.....

We put the kits and liquidators out for DHL to pick up each day shortly after 2:00pm. We are normally not around from then 'til 5:00pm or so and when we get back, the shipments are gone.

Somehow, I think those little buggers have figured out a way to divert the prepaid DHL money over to themselves and they're pocketing the money and delivering the stuff themselves......I'm pretty sure they've stolen Santa's sleigh. I've been snooping out around the barn where they work but they get really belligerant and keep the doors locked. I think that sleigh is in there but I can't prove it.

The thing that worries me is I know they drink like fish every evening so how they can keep those deliveries going to the right addresses and get back here the next morning to start work is beyond me.

Honestly, they do great work for us (on the cheap) but, quite frankly, they're just a little scary being here on the property. I'm not even really sure how many are out there in the barn but the fights @ 2:00AM and the occassional gunshots seem to be getting more frequent.

My whole family is just a little relieved when the swim season winds down and they start drifting back up to the North Pole. How Santa has tolerated them all these years is beyond me.
duraleigh said:
Honestly, they do great work for us (on the cheap) but, quite frankly, they're just a little scary being here on the property. I'm not even really sure how many are out there in the barn but the fights @ 2:00AM and the occassional gunshots seem to be getting more frequent.

Better install deadbolts. You don't want them in the house at night.
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