Closing my pool - Can there be too much Chlorine?


LifeTime Supporter
May 26, 2010
Central Connecticut
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool RJ-45
I am following the closing instructions listed on the site. I am bringing my chlorine level up to shock level and will then let it come down about 1/2 way. My questions is ..... is there any danger in adding more chlorine after draining the water down? Can there be too much chlorine when closing?

Here are my current numbers:

FC: 28 After shocking
CC: 0
TC: 28
PH: 7.6
CYA: 85

I will be draining and closing the pool Saturday. I feel like I should add more chlorine after the drain, to have in their for the winter.
Just having it at shock level is good enough. If you think about it, raising it to shock level and then draining water out leaves the remaining water at shock level. You've reduced the chlorine but you've also reduced the water so the ratio stays the same.

You could raise it a couple of ppm higher than shock to compensate for the sun burning it off while you're in the process of draining and closing but I wouldn't go much higher than that.
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