Want to improve water circulation - main jets on stairs


TFP Expert
LifeTime Supporter
Jun 14, 2012
Mint Hill, NC
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool Edge-40
My pool was part of a house purchase and we didn't build it. It seems obvious that someone decided to convert a return into a pressure cleaner connection along the way. There are three returns and a water slide feed; the booster pump is connected to the single wall return (midway down the wall opposite the skimmer), the two stair returns share a single 1.5" pipe from the pad, and the stairs use a small 3/4"(?) pipe that is T-d off the stair returns at the pad.

Due to this and the Polaris 1" tube that feeds the pressure cleaner return the flow from the side return is weaker than I would like. Additionally the stair returns are placed opposite one another on sides that parallel the long sides of the pool. Due to the design of the eyeballs - the range of directionality is limited to about 120 degrees rather than 180 - so the two returns currently either form two legs of a triangle or an X depending on my mood. Neither flow pattern is ideal for water circulation nor for skimmer use.

I do have a main drain and a skimmer and both are in use which I think helps with water circulation in this case.

What I was wondering was if these types of return fittings might help if I put them on the stairs:

If not is there another way to improve circulation from the stairs?
Bama Rambler said:
They won't hurt anything and since you have a specific issue it may work fine for you.

Thanks. I'm going to grab some and try them - a pair is like $9 plus shipping or so - not a big risk really.
The pool stays nice and clean - I suspect the main drain helps because even if water isn't being pushed there it's being pulled from there.
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