Rebar Rust Stains, 2 year old plaster pool.. Pics!

Nov 13, 2009
Carlsbad, CA
Our pool is 2 years old and we have a few rebar stains coming through. One really bad one that is huge! Our contractor took a look and told us the plaster company that installed the plaster will fix it for free but we should have it acid washed after and it will cost us $900. I'm wondering if we should fight this?? I don't feel we should pay for an acid wash for a job that was done incorrectly in the first place?

We had a one year warranty on the pool.

For all the pool experts out there.. help? What should we do? We are going to have to pay for the water and start up with new chemicals as it is. Should we fight paying $900 for acid wash? Also we wanted to wait until September after the pool season and I'm not sure if this issue needs to be taken care of ASAP before it grows anymore.



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Waiting until September is fine. No rush.

If the plaster surface is in good condition without significant stains, there is no need to acid wash. Acid washes always aged the plaster job.
Since the pool will need to be drained to fix properly, if there are minor stains, then the contractor shouldn't be charging so much to simply add an acid wash to his work.

BTW, just to warn you, there will be a noticeable "patch work" afterwards.
Thanks Bobby! I have used Vitamin C and another product from the pool store nearby. The stain just comes right back.
We also purchased turtle decals to cover it but it has now grown larger than the turtle and we doubt it will stick.

It looks like someone had an accident in the pool. This stain is such a pain in the rear.
Rebar should be in the center of the gunite. There should be at least 2.5 to 3 inches of gunite covering the rebar. If there was rebar at the surface of the gunite, then the plaster crew should have brought it to the attention of the builder before plastering.

I think that to fix this properly, the section of rebar should be cut out and patched. I don't see any need for an acid wash. If there are any rust stains that have to be removed, I think that sanding them off would be preferable to an acid wash.

The rebar will probably continue to rust and expand until it is fixed. Stain removal won't work, because it's more than just a stain; it's a solid piece of iron that's rusting.

If you want to wait, you might have some success using an underwater epoxy to cover the rebar. However, this will probably only slow the progression of the rust and staining. It would be a temporary solution at best, and might not work too well.

I would consider it a structural defect in construction related to workmanship.

As far as who pays for what, that depends on several variables, such as what the contract said regarding warranty, agreements with subcontractors, etc.
Stain aside.... You have an awesome pool! :cool:

Hope you can get that lil nasty fixed up!
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