Some Numbers After 5 Days


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2007
Hillsborough, NC
I started the pump Monday evening. I added the salt and started bringing the CH up. Tuesday morning I added the Jack's Magic and started adding stabilizer. Tuesday night I shocked the pool, turned on the SWG and finished adding stabilizer. Wednesday I added more calcium to bring the CH up.

Numbers as of this morning:
FC - 5 - a little high but holding steady over the last 36 hours so that is good.
pH - 7.6 without me doing anything yet
CYA - will wait till next week to test.
CH - 150 - still a bit low, I want it around 200
TA - 80. Pool school says TA for salt pools needs to be 50-70 but this is how it came out of the ground, so I will take it. Last year it was 120 from the well.

I have a sequst test kit on order so I can figure out a dosing schedule for the Purple Stuff. I also have a timer coming. Right now I turn the pump on before work and turn it off around dinner time.
With the CH, I didn't think so for vinyl either, but the folks at Jack's said their products work best with CH at 200-240. That could also be they assume a CH around that level when developing the products so don't do much testing at different levels, but based on my experience last year with the old pool, I had a lot less issues once I raised the CH.
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