sr2000na replaced wire harness but ... now no power :(

Jun 3, 2012

we recently bought a house with an in ground pool and a Sta-Rite sr2000na heater. This spring it did not work - error code E01. a friend and i opened it out, cleaned out the mouse house and found & spliced back together a broken wire to the thermistor and presto - the heater worked. We noticed a lot of nearly chewed through wires so my husband and I ordered a new wire harness and spent the afternoon replacing it and the transformer that came with as pentair had changed the wiring from a 5 wire plug to a set of 3 wire and a 2 wire plug.

Sadly, the control board does not even light up and of course the heater does not work. (we did reset the breaker)

any tips/advice on how to start trouble shooting ? I know this is a long shot but a new heater is $$$ as may be the bill to pay someone to troubleshoot it ...:)

If you have the old wiring harness you can use it to see if all the connections on the new one are going to the same place as the old one. I would suspect, with the wiring change you mentioned, that they may have changed the connection sequence on the terminals. You mentiond that this is a transformer powered setup. Is the power flowing thru all of the switches? A multitester or an automotive test light will be needed to determine this
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