
Mod Squad
TFP Expert
Apr 4, 2007
SW Indiana
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
My son is a freshman in high school, and just finished his science fair project for the year. He mentioned wanting to get started early on next year's project so he'd have more time to collect data. I suggested he study the effectiveness of various solar pool covers, both in retaining heat overnight, and collecting heat during the day. He could go with a collection of 5 gallon buckets with various cover options, and monitor the temperatures of the buckets every 5 minutes or so (with a computer) to see how the different cover materials perform versus no cover, and maybe even the liquid solar blanket. Another option would be to remove the covers from some buckets during the day, while leaving another bucket with the same material covered all day.

The problem is getting our hands on samples of the various types of covers, and that's where the favor comes in. Anybody have some scraps that he could trim into a couple of 12" diameter circles for the project they'd be willing to part with? I'd gladly reimburse your shipping cost.

I think this could be an interesting project where he could learn quite a bit, and probably produce results we'd all be interested in.

Thanks in advance.
Hotrod30 said:
I think I have one kind. I'll look Sunday and let you know Sunday night.

Also he could try the liquid type of solar cover.

Thanks for checking. I think he is considering the liquid. Hopefully he can come up with about 4 or 5 different types to test to make the results interesting.
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