Can someone tell me what this stuff is in my pool?

May 29, 2011
I have been fighting this stuff for the past 2 seasons. I am not sure if it is mustard algae or if it is just pool dust/debris that my sand filter cannot catch. I have tried vacuuming it to waste, but it seems to just come back. Can someone please help me identify what this stuff is and what I should be doing to remove it. My pool water is pretty clear (as seen in the 3rd photo) except that this stuff is very visible on the bottom of the pool. Also, this stuff is only on the bottom of the pool, it does not appear on the side walls. Thanks!!

Test results as of 5/3/11:
FAC: 3
TAC: 3
Water pH: 7.5
TA: 30
CYA: 30
Calcium: 130
TDS: 500
Phosphates: 500


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That looks like drifts of either dead algae or pollen, or a mixture of the two. Dead algae is most commonly seen when your FC levels are a little too low. Posting a full set of test results will help us narrow it down.
3FootPool said:
I can tell you my chlorine level was excessively high 2 days ago when I took these pictures, I will post a full set of results soon. Also, I normally use an algaecide for maintenance.

So is the algecide the deep green slimey looking stuff on the steps.

If you are talking about the granule looking stuff on the steps and on the bottom of the pool it is probably pollen...Is chlorine holding like it normally should? If is more than likely pollen. A good way to tell. If you clean your windshield and then it sits out side at your house for a few hours, and then it has a layer of dust on it when you come is probably pollen. The surface of the pool acts much like the windshield in that it collects the pollen in the air. The problem is that much of it sinks. In my pool it gathers only in the divots and creases in my liner. No where else. Try vacuuming it up with a nylon in your skimmer basket.
If you can pass the overnight chlorine test, its almost definitely (oxymoronic, I know) not algae...
algae will eat away your chlorine, in even small quantities- that's why the overnight test is used to tell you when you're done shocking!
If you maintain proper chlorine levels, you shouldn't need algaecide for maintainance; the FC will kill off the algae...
What algaecide are you using?

Also, it's usually better to post results in the post, rather than in the earlier post- otherwise, we'll get confused on the numbers, especially if there are updated numbers over a couple hours or days...
thanks madwil, I will keep that in mind. If this stuff is not algae...and is just debris that my filter cannot catch, what solution do you guys propose in catching this stuff? I have tried vacuuming to waste, but it still comes back...

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3FootPool said:
thanks madwil, I will keep that in mind. If this stuff is not algae...and is just debris that my filter cannot catch, what solution do you guys propose in catching this stuff? I have tried vacuuming to waste, but it still comes back...

3 foot...If it is as I said Pollen from tree's...there is not much you can do other than realize it is just dirt. Vacuum when you use the pool...I use a nylon knee high stocking in my skimmer sock to catch most of it while I vacuume, and am running just the skimmer...Other than that I have had my pool for 4 years now and I have had it for four years...In the first year I actually collected samples and looked at it under my son's microscope...And it was a dust like spore...a round ball type thing with little spikey things on it. It really is just the same dirt that collects on your window or your glass top patio table during this time of the year. And if you aren't using the pool regularly like we aren' sits on the surface becomes waterlogged and sinks...It doesn't grow. It isn't mustard algae as it grows up the walls and predominately on the shady side of the pool, this just settles in the divots and creases of you liner right?

If your chlorine holds over night...Don't sweat it...just vacuume when you can.
Cubbybeave08, that sounds pretty accurate, it only settles in the divots and creases of my liner and on the stair steps, which is why I don't think it's necessarily mustard. However, my phosphate reading is 500, which is the main source of algae growth, which makes me think it might be algae? Does the skimmer sock work well? Unfortunately, I use the skimmer line to vaccuum so I'd have to just let it filter normal.
3FootPool said:
Cubbybeave08, that sounds pretty accurate, it only settles in the divots and creases of my liner and on the stair steps, which is why I don't think it's necessarily mustard. However, my phosphate reading is 500, which is the main source of algae growth, which makes me think it might be algae? Does the skimmer sock work well? Unfortunately, I use the skimmer line to vaccuum so I'd have to just let it filter normal.

Are you talking about an auto vacuum or are you vacuuming yourself....If you are vacuuming yourself does the hose attach to the fitting that fits over the skimmer basket. If that is the case you can just leave the skimmer sock in. If not I got a leaf canister for my auto has a basket in it and you can put the nylon on that...I think it was about $35 nice option for the auto vac so you don't have to filter straight to the strainer basket in the pump.

As far as using the nylon, I leave it in all the time even when I am just running the skimmer, especially when the kids are in the pool all that stuff gets picked up and into the skimmer. It is like a lint filter in your drier.
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