Test Tracking Spreadsheet

Over the winter ive been working on a spreadsheet for tracking my pool testing results. Ive decided to share it for anybody that is interested.

Top left of the main page you can click check boxs to decide what tests you are going to preform, if you pick FC but not CC, then CC will be recorded as 0. Simply click being testing to start, you will be given instructions for each test, and a box to enter you results, hit add result to begin next test.

The last recorded result for each item is displayed in the top right.

Bottom middle of the screen is a line graph that displays FC readings for the last 10 tests, this is usfull to help you dial in just how much you need to add, or where to set your salt cell.

All the instructions are for what i use, TF-100, salt and borate strips from tftestkits.net

All instuctions apart from salt and borate are the instructions included with the TF-100, salt and borate where copied from the bottles.

If there is enough interest ill be more then happy to keep posting updates as i continue to work on it.


  • Pool Testing Tracker.zip
    59.4 KB · Views: 464
Decided to break out the laptop tonight instead of the morning for ya :p.

Re-saved it as a 97-2003 excel file, everything seems to still work even though it gave me a bunch of warnings, if you see somthing not working right lemmie know and ill see what i can do.


  • Pool Testing Tracker.zip
    47.5 KB · Views: 85
Dale I was able to access it this time (from work, last night was from home). I had to enable macros which I did. Now I will e-mail it to the house & see if my dino pc can handle those fancy macros. Looking forward to logging test results & seeing how this fancy formula contraption works.

Thank you for sharing!

I eddited this post to mention the following:
Dale, you may think about uploading to scribd.com. I uploaded my 1 pool .xls file http://www.scribd.com/doc/38093832/Pool-chemical-quick-reference to scribd. When I search scribd for pool references there are quite a few on there. Just a thought.
Thanks for sharing this. I can see this being very useful. One question - I'm relatively unfamiliar with Excel. Is there a way to show a 10 day graph for each of the items selected for testing on the main page? I'm only seeing the graph for free chlorine.

New version for you!

Main page now has charts for FC and pH.

Each tab (apart from CC) now has a graph, the axis on the graphs will self adjust based on the data so you get a graph in the middle, not just a line on top.

FC and Ph show last 10 tests - tested most
CH, TA, CYA, Borates and Salt show last 5 tests - tested least
Temp shows last 15 tests - Added with each test

Please Note: There is fake data for every tab with a graph, this is needed to populate the graphs and avoid errors, do not delete this data untill you have the required amount of data added (5, 10 or 15 tests depending on tab)


  • Pool Testing Tracker v2.xls
    181 KB · Views: 226

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Dale, Thanks again for your spreadsheet, I'm using it daily. I have a question I hope you can answer. Each time I start it up I get a security warning saying that some active content has been disabled (macros and ActiveX). I have to tick a box each time to enable these functions before I can use the spreadsheet. How can I fix this permanently?


I don't believe you can fix that for just one sheet. There is a option to turn down the security level so it won't show up, however that will effect every sheet you use. Personally I think it best to deal with it and know your protected all the time. I may well be wrong and you can do it for one sheet mind :)
I really don't use Excel for anything else. It just came with Office, so I'm not worried at this point about macros or ActiveX. If I change the settings does it only affect Excel documents or all Office applications? If all, I'll just enable it each time.


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