Will Pool Water Hurt My Lawn?


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2007
Hillsborough, NC
We are in the middle of a drought here. I have ~3000 gallons in my pool and rather than waste it when I drain the pool for winter storage, will it hurt the lawn if I pump it out and put it on the shrubs? They badly need a good watering. Do I need to let the chlorine levels drop to nil before I do this?
You can go ahead and use the pool water as is. Lawns and most plants love pool water. There are a few very sensitive plants that might not like pool water, but if you are growing any of those you will already know about the special attention and care they require.
The low levels of chlorine won't be a problem. But I wouldn't want to chance letting the water from a salt pool drain into the lawn. Maybe some salt owners could shed some light on this for us???

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