Is it safe?

May 26, 2010
We recently installed a 24' x 4 ' ag pool. When we started everything looked level. After the pool was completly full we realized that one side was about 1 1'2 inch higher than the other. Also, it seems that the low side has settled a little bit more, so now it is slightly lower. I know that we need to drain and relevel the pool, but is it possible that it is safe enough to use and drain at the end of the summer? Also, about 8 ft of one side leans out slightly and 8 ft of the opposite side leans in. Is it possible to brace the lowest side that is leaning out for more support? Any advice would be appreciated.
I would not feel confortable with your current build. Others here more knowledgeable may advise otherwise but consider this.
Your pool pushes against its sides with the same amount of force it pushes down. Your water weighs 8.3 pounds per gal. x number of gal. / square inches= pounds per square inch. It seems like your pool is not meeting this minimum amount , as it is warping . Worst case the side thats pushed out will colapse sending all that water in the same general direction. Even if it does not collapse you risk damaging the frame.

Just can't see how delaying the repair could be justified, even though I am sure the faimly would be disappointed.
Welcome to the forum. I am not an AG expert but I agree with coloeb that your pool needs to be fixed now.

Making an attempt to brace it might cause even more problems. I would drain and fix ASAP.
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