older fox pool coping question

Jul 29, 2009
Washington, DC area
i have a 70s pool that we are remodeling. i wanted to see what the coping under the concrete was. so i removed some of the crumbling dreck. and i noticed that the coping was one i wasnt familiar with.

I've attached a pic of the coping. instead of having a flat back that attaches, it has a u shape the purple arrow is pointing to. has anyone seen that type of coping or know where i can get? they may not even make it anymore...

any ideas how to replace it?



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ok i just got off the phone with a fox dealer in my area. and they said they don't sell products to cusomer without them coming out to do the work. they would check with the owner to make sure. but apparently there are inticate issues with fox pools.

does anyone have any work around suggestions?
I am guessing by your pic that you have pretty much the same type pool I grew up with.

Does the coping you have look like this?


If so, I can tell you will need to have someone come out, unless you know what you are doing.

Look at the second pic, the coping ican be a pain, I remember we had to have a 15 foot section replaced when I was a kid, it was no quick job. It was difficult to get it to look right, but finally we got it.


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goyom, it is very close to that. mine is probably alot older than the pic.

Pool guy, if you are talking to me, i have had several pool companies come out take a look at it and "diagnose" it. all have said it must be an old fox pool. and by old im thinking early 70s.

the problem is i want cantilever coping.
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